No-Fry Fried Ice Cream Recipe (2024)

· Last Updated: by Calleigh ~

No-Fry Fried Ice Cream Recipe

Going to the fair this summer and seeing the fried butter read that right....FRIED BUTTER! my brain going in the direction of fried foods I really liked, like fried pickles and fried ice cream.

No-Fry Fried Ice Cream Recipe (1)
I had both at various places, mostly Asian restaurant, Chi-Chis and one little Mexican restaurant in Chicago, but never attempted making either, primarily because I don't like to deep fry things because of the smell and mess it leaves and because it's simply not easy and easy is my red flag to signal a recipe I want to make.

I decided to see if there was a way to make that bad boy without all the mess from the grease and sure enough if you look long enough, you'll find what you want, no deep frying fried ice cream.

No-Fry Fried Ice Cream Recipe (2)

This recipe is so very easy, I'm almost tempted to serve it every night, but as usual, I told my family I slaved over it so they'd appreciate how special it was, which I did if you consider the thinking time that went into it.

I made a lot of the plain coated balls at one time, so I'm ready for action when the mood calls. Warning! You do have to get out the skillet once for this, but there's absolutely no need for the deep fryer.

No-Fry Fried Ice Cream Recipe (3)

No-Fry Fried Ice Cream Recipe (4)

No-Fry Fried Ice Cream Recipe (5)

Don't forget to stir these constantly or you'll not get the desired results. I put that mixture in a shallow dish, rolled the ice cream in it and then pressed more on to the outside for good measure.

Just drizzle with chocolate syrup and top with whipped cream and a cherry and you have a dessert that is easy and costs pennies but looks expensive and time-consuming, my kind of dish.


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Reader Interactions


  1. AnnMarie John says

    Talk about a dessert that the kids will go crazy for! Especially this spring and summer! I just love that it's not that difficult to make and it looks SO good.

  2. Esme Sy says

    This is a Mexican cuisine? Wow! They always have the best. Fried butter isn't something I think of by default but now I want my fridge to be ready for a lot of it. This is yummy!

  3. Msddah says

    I just love reading food blogs. You guys make are so gonna step up my cooking/meal prep skills. This is certainly not one of the perks I thought I would get with blogging. Great post and I am so try this!

  4. Karlyn Bishop says

    Ooh! I like the no fry part but I do love the fry part as well! This looks so delicious and quite easy to make! I like the whole combo!

  5. Heather says

    Oh my yum! I love how picture perfect these turned out. I won't tell anyone the secret that you didn't slave all day making them. Not having them fried means they're healthier, so healthy I can have it for breakfast...right? I mean, they're corn flakes!

  6. Rachel says

    This looks so good. I have always wanted to try to make fried ice cream but now I know how I can make this happen!

  7. Evelyn, PathofPresence says

    Wow! What a neat "trick!" I love the no fry part and can imagine the tasty crunch of corn flakes and cinnamon. I also salivating over the chocolate drizzle on the ice cream. YUM!!

  8. Carina says

    Yum! I want some You make it sound so easy but I'm sure it takes time to prepare. Will give it a try very soon! Thanks for sharing x

  9. Amy-Lynn Vautour says

    ok you got me. i'll try that. easier, faster, safer, cleaner, just as tasty.

  10. Lisa Rios says

    Woah I'm shocked. LOL I have never had fried ice cream but I guess I have to try it and this no-fry version too!

  11. Elizabeth O says

    This looks amazing and so easy to make too. What a great idea. Really looks delicious!

  12. Luci says

    OMG, I love this. I used to get fried ice cream all the time growing up but never have I tried a no fry fried ice cream Yummy..

  13. Gladys Parker says

    I absolutely love Chi Chi's deep fried ice cream. My cousin took me there many years ago for my birthday and I couldn't get over the dessert. Your way is so simple and looks so good I want to go to the store right now for Corn Flakes! Yum!

  14. Shoma says

    I remember eating something along these lines when I was younger. So trying your recipe soon!

  15. Vian says

    Yummy overload! I'm reading a lot of food blogs, but this is my made me crave! I will try this at home. just hope I can get the exact taste. Thanks for posting!

  16. Noelle Lynne says

    These LOOK DELICIOUS, would LOVE to try and create a VEGAN version of this! Love that they don't need to be fried.

  17. Cristina pop says

    It looks wonderful! I've had before fried ice cream, but this looks much more healthy!

  18. Kristy Bullard says

    I can’t believe how easy these are to make! My family would love these. Pinned to make for them later !

  19. says

    I am regular reader, how are you everybody? This
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  20. Roxana says

    Looks so mouth watering. Like the idea of using corn flakes.

  21. Amy @ The Cook Report says

    Wow what a cool idea!

  22. Lisa | Garlic & Zest says

    You have just transported me to 1985. Senior year and my girlfriends and I were regulars at Chi Chi's -- and always made a point to order the fried ice cream to share. This one looks amazing!

  23. Rae says

    As the temperature is already creeping toward 90 I'd devour these right now. Yum!!

  24. Kristina @ Love & Zest says

    Oh my! This looks amazing! What a great dessert for the weekend!

  25. Jessie says

    hi Amallia,
    This is really good and very easy to make.. your family and friends would love this.

  26. Amallia @DesireToEat says

    wow, it looks so tempting and yummy 🙂

  27. Jessie says

    This is really good.. I can't help but eat it every week 🙂

No-Fry Fried Ice Cream Recipe (2024)


How is fried ice cream made without melting? ›

Yes, real fried ice cream really is deep fried in hot oil, but only long enough to crisp up the outer coating. The coated ice cream balls are first frozen very hard so that the core of the fried ice cream is still hard even after frying the outside for 20-30 seconds.

What is the shell of fried ice cream made of? ›

The dessert is commonly made by taking a scoop of ice cream frozen well below the temperature at which ice cream is generally kept, possibly coating it in raw egg, rolling it in cornflakes or cookie crumbs, and briefly deep frying it.

Why doesn't ice cream melt in deep fried ice cream? ›

Fried ice cream is first coated in egg whites and sugar, then rolled in panko, cereal, or coconut flakes. The combination of these ingredients and the thickness of the coating insulates the ice cream to help prevent it from melting.

What makes a batter a batter? ›

Batter is a flour mixture with liquid and other ingredients such as sugar, salt, and leavening used for cooking. It usually contains more liquid than dough, which is also a mixture of flour and liquid. Batters are usually a pourable consistency that cannot be kneaded.

How does batter become crispy? ›

Use Cornstarch or Rice Flour

Michael says that cornstarch or rice flour in combo with flour will give you the crunchiest batter. Even cake four will cook up crunchier than all-purpose flour because it doesn't have a high gluten level.

What are the ingredients in ice cream that doesn't melt? ›

The secret of its super… elastic recipe? Mastic, the salted orchid root, as well as its main ingredients which include milk, cream, and sugar. It has no eggs, but the result remains just as fluffy and delicious even without them.

How does fried ice cream stay frozen? ›

Fried ice cream doesn't melt because the ice cream is frozen solid to a very cold temperature and then coated with a crispy shell or batter before being quickly dipped in hot oil. This allows the outside to cook and crisp before even reaching the ice cream center.

What is Mexican ice cream called? ›

Paleta, The Ultimate Mexican Dessert

Fancy something sweet and frozen? Well, say hello to this handcrafted gourmet ice cream treat from Mexico.

What are Mcdonald's ice cream made of? ›

Nutritional Information

Ingredients: Milk, Sugar, Cream, Corn Syrup, Natural Flavor, Mono And Diglycerides, Cellulose Gum, Guar Gum, Carrageenan, Vitamin A Palmitate. Contains: Milk.

What is the Mexican name for fried ice cream? ›

The term most likely to be understood by a Mexican in a Mexican Restaurant would be: nieve frita (I know, literally it means 'fried snow', but trust me. "Yo quisiera nieve frita." (I would like fried ice cream.)

Why is fried ice cream at Mexican restaurants? ›

First things first: fried ice cream is not Mexican. As far as I can tell, Chi-Chi's just thought it sounded vaguely exotic and added it to their menu when the chain started in 1975, at a time when Tex-Mex was taking off as a food trend.

Why does great value ice cream not melt? ›

The official Walmart statement claims that 'ice cream with more cream will generally melt at a slower rate, which is the case with our Great Value ice cream sandwiches', which is generally true, but more to blame for the lack of a melty mess are the gum products added to the treat.

What makes commercial ice cream so creamy? ›

Fat provides the richness and taste that make ice cream so delicious. It is usually buttermilk fat and it also gives stability to the base mix and smooths the texture. Sugars (such as sucrose or glucose) or other sweeteners (honey or syrups) are not just added for flavor.

Is deep fried ice cream actually deep fried? ›

Deep fried ice cream is normally scooped, re-frozen and then covered in a layer of cake, frozen AGAIN and then covered in an egg wash and dipped in coconut. This process of coating the outer layer of the ice cream ball before deep frying helps to insulate the interior from the heat.

Is batter ever made from beer? ›

This beer batter recipe is not complicated. It calls for just 2 ingredients: beer and self-rising flour. The beer should be cold, and don't sift the flour or over-whisk the batter — a few lumps make for a better texture.

What is a batter and why is it used in deep-frying? ›

Batters. Batters are made by combining flour with a binding agent (usually an egg or milk) to create a thick wet coating for meats, which are then deep-fried.

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