The La Crosse Tribune from La Crosse, Wisconsin (2024)

Cord ef Thanks 'Legal Notices 53 local, SHCRT RIBS 43 Heme For Sate 53 Rooms, Furn. Fertiliier, Soil By Frank 0Neol Tujt, OcbiSer IM II j-3 (Trcssr crunr 1 14 Ay. Cfi. John spekxg acother term as a rp.n bavt nd a fcr Uuict it ini. Mediae MMel I notice or ri blic at iking (r (mri 1 Democrat, sa.d Monday a B.

That statement to the same group 1 os coiv sn.rf com- 1EAf W-i fed P-5 i nr1 r- ROTTED cow tr Ca Hu fir pk-AKf SPECLAI Redf.eld, 5 bedroom home, iua bain, sew furtace. 60 -on waer hear. carpet rapes. 9 tar garace ua stoaa garage. Fence- a bark Td.

Bank aoora.sed at .1 coc- cer ace effer. Caii ROOM private tarr vo'i ng lady preterrM QuW 2e. Phone 3-234 afef 3 Trt S-rov: 4 Mcnosy SICE LARGE rova a. lTbi IB lavatory, ront.cuoua hot waTer automa heat, Caos in. Gect.e msn Tl 3 re Food, Vegetables 46 VTDGFWOOD ORCHARD, fc eh-iv j3 Get your wouer cw.

Var e'v to choose trom. 2 BEDROOM. sun room, I carpeted, k.tchen. attached ga-I rate el fcea 624 So 4-343 I WARM clean a.eepr,g room. pr.r I ae entrance, near town, bus tr4 I park.rg V'lliies 427 No.

ffh MCE pleasant room for refine 4 busicesa geciieman Desirable to 54 Lots, Acreage LOTS FOR 6ALX in Green Acres' eaien Phone 4-2795. Acd.tion. Reaccab.e. CaJ 2-3126 for information. NICE HEATED, room, t.h tht( vhM ij 'sa ora cfterl rca-it drt in recent ee fc fce eved -vocd rd facer Cf Carr are espe- av fredu to Wf-m at Sevens Rev Dr- pa-o-ar- 'P-S'rn aciessea at S.CVCI15 tl we Courtr.euse La C-oss era.

these who furc-vied ran Po.r.t that h-S cif.ce IS ITOV- 7 I acert PM on Loral wad auusred It fe of Oricbtr. to ntrv was IT.g to invoke the Sa snj j.cer tb pe.oa to Mr Cr.a: Carr ardl tfc (trust laws against a number of ir- coubij Zocjj Ord- even Icha.n dairies which he sa.d a hear.rg g-vea Funeral Director 1 Ugion and State had tried to dominate local ui bTo four ar a hu TT 1 1 b.3 was offered fmms have been accused of MOTTlS W.sconsm's farmers were in Nelson said it would boost having sold milk at dfferent cros. T-n cf Meury. La crosee County, TAjscona.n.

to rhacg? ifc favor of his farm marketing farm income through a system prices in diferent communi- eiaasi iicuon from bill, killed bv the Republican- 0f fanner mark-t controls, but ties with the intention and pur- IT! jr4 nor parucuiar.y ctscriDtc controlled Stae Senate coring the Republicans 1 a un it pose of injuring one or more it the last legislative session. would stile state agriculture, of their smaller competitors. lmh-Xelson, speakuig at Stevens a a of Srcuon I ft Toonship 1 Horth. Rro 7 aojit at anr.ial I wtt. Ton of Mfdr.

crosw Lost ond Found Pn.up Kuehn, the GOP can-j Reynolds sa.d price discrim- couaty. w.scomin, dfjcr.boa a -0unar -j for governor, said in rnation actions have bear hunting bow lost 1 Commnfini tn of the Wisconsin Assn, of Cooperatives, $3(d GOP iawmak- vuhw-hvuik vu wutiiwti f'rstrl flnftt in rtwrftri CaMirrtav hot runmrf (water, renters entrance, 45 week 52 No 6h 'e-ACRE LOT on o.d highway 16 Cl Rooms, Housekeeping 59 Real Estate Wanted 55 Building For Sale 50 FOUR APARTMENT FRAME BUILDING At 616-618 King St PLEAS 4VT first Door housekpirf room. Ncoly c.ose down town. 8 weokir VrMnecko Apart irrrH 909 Ms'n SELAS NOITCA EV1TISOP li isn Russian, but spelled backward reads POSITIVE ACTION SALES a rare combination of REAL ESTATE SELLING services) A tcrended to you the best mril, suits the sa of vour property THE BROKER TO CALL Ger-rard Realty, 712 Mam 6t. phone 4-7815.

LOWER HEATED, furnished I ment Inquire 2140 3-2845. 60 apart. Casa. Phor.t -AW- ers put obstruction- Milwaukee ttat strong brought against Fairmont rt ism ahead of the needs of actlon be taxen, by e. Foods the Borden Ver- lh thereof.

2 I Wt to the LOST Man gotd E-gan nst state and municipalities to if me Dairy Products Corp. andenterSine of county Tnmk iTA'her larmers. thence 8ouh 5fi 4V Phnre 4-2S2S a f. solve the problems faced by the ft 1 1 1 i a H. Hememann East Jong ld centerline 353 21 Ttomvsro, rAvrrvr metropolitan areas.

Kaehn said Creameries, along with Pet irrt 10 lh 1 20 curve, ine iemocra ic g' enwr 4 thence support for the bill came there be stronger Co- 8nd Pet Dairy Pr0Q' North 86 16 East 603 feet the I. of 10 GERMAN short haired pointer to Animal Hopi'al. from the Wisconsin Council of by state or county gov- nets Co. To be sold for salvage highest bidder. TOOKE KEALTY CO.

West Ave. and State PHONE 2-3643 13-A part terrier, tati male Phon 4-8TR2 Agriculture, the Wisconsin, ernmcnt in use1 Kuehn also called for the con-1 Tree Service AUCTION to a curve, thence continuing along said centerline North 48 55 East 398 FOUND Small feet; thence South 41 05 East 33 feet to the Southeasterly right-of-av line of County Trunk Highway and the point of begm-mg of this description, thence continuing South 41 05 East along said right-of-way line 7 feet, thence continuing along said Tight- finals be appointed to the corn-JCrosse Xrafflc ciub th7 male. Johnson and white Announcements MISSED CALL Work Wanted, Men 30 GUARANTEED insulated Alcoa aluminum and colored roof coating, also Interior and extenor painting. Chimnev repaired, roof repair. Free estimates.

Call 4-8445. tinuation of the Metropolitan Study Commission after July ri 1, 11. He recommended that CICCl wlllCCrS state legislators and local of-j business meeting of the La ALL TYPES of tree trimming and removal. Annual ornamental evergreen trimming our apecialtv. Fu.l insurance coverage Fourteen years of buvress in La Crosse LA CROSSE TREE SERVICE.

Call Jim Rirmcha 4-4901 Yf KKtX iSOELLS PRESCRIPTIONS jFOR 6ALE 2 room building 16x22, good condition. Phone 2-7381 or can be seen at Medary Motel CARPENTER work, new construction, remodeling, kitchen cabinets made to order. Satisfaction guaranteed. Free estimates. Homes shown on request.

Dial 4-3221. PAPERS 2-S040 DAILY UNTIL 7 P.M. SUNDAY to 10 A.M. The LaCrosse Tribune mission for better liaison with be at Walts, 3rd and ld oulh i 1. gif 1 1 a 139 East along said right of wav me LieB.siaiure.

sissippi, at 8 p.m. iine2i 1 fwt, th.nce south 48 ft ft ft Manley M. Abrams, presi- thence North 41 05 West 35 feet BIG OR SMALL, one Item or 11. Call Huffman Trucking, 2-8033. Don Mattie Manager.

to the Homes For Sale 53 southeast-right-of-way line of County CARPENTER WORK, new building. remodeling, roofing and cabinets. Build to order. Phone 2-7858 c.itiuur COmFOunOIO and HiC'O IfONT IT0 DOwnTOWN OR NORTH JlOl SINGLE MAN desires work on dairy farm or other farm chores. In-euire 5017 So 8h Kuehn also recommended dfnt 61 officers wiU beXvu, that the governor should at tbe meetln8- Us1 55 East aion said nehi-of point an advisory board of city Th lor tbe Wl11' beginning 25 leat to the point ot gusjnesJ Service and county officials to Promote, Sa h7h' ifTomad on'1 oul better coordination of state ac-iana measures Jor inf Cily- arm, although Boned Resident- IN A CLASS BY A.ken Kitchen Cabinets.

Painting, Papering 17 HOME DECORATING, Interior and1' 8 36 exterior. Free estimates. STAATS fa Yekitcolf WALLPAPER AND PAINT CO. 1 Dial 2-4839 PERFECTLY CARED FOR HOME! Living dining room, sun room, kitchen, bedroom, bath down. 2 bedrooms, half bath up Oil heat.

2-car garage. North 23rd St. MLS. 3099. TOOKE REALTY CO.

Phone 2-3643 tivities and services involvina Klem wlU dlscuss wights and.iai," i used tor agricultural pur-uvuies emu at-iviLtrs juvuivuj), ne. fposes. The purpose of this request measure standards and an-or rezoning is to provide a io-swer questions members might i0T 2way radl antenna 'tower or supporting structure. The THEMSELVES Outstanding for smartness, convenience, durability, economy, trouble-free operation. Kitchen equipping suggestions free.

Aiken Cabinet Shop, 1830 West Ave. So. Dial 4-0293. lessee of the above described par- ELECTRIC SHAVERS REPAIRED PAPERHANGING done reasonably For free estimates and samples dial 3-4941 RENT our Clark rug shampooing equipment. Really gets the soil out not just surface clean.

5 hours. $3 00; full day, $5 00. Roth's Flor-Mart 2301 So. Ave Dial 2-2175 have. Baths.Steams, Cabinet 20 Vapor Cabinet Baths Massage YANZER SANITARIUM 2JI North 1th Dial 4-0473 Same day service Expert watch repairing HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR DIAMONDS AND GOLD COINS CONVENIENT JEWELERS.

306 Mam Business Opportunities 37 OWN YOUR OWN BUSINESS St. Louis Manufacturer needs distributors for the most amazing PERSONALIZED SHIRT SERVICE TuVa VST v. products in the A. can Mr. 1.1 L.

David Ayer at 4-2085. ext. 11 after shirts dene the like cel of land, William and Louise A Brunng dba Communications Equipment Company 518 State Street. La Crosse, Wisconsin, wifi utilise the land and tower connection with their business activities. Please refer to the attached drawing for details of the location and area.

By: Esther Domke, Secretary La Crosse County Zoning Committee Publish La Crosse Tribune, Oct 6th. 11th, 18th, I960 BRAND NEW 3 bedroom home, located at 502 No. 10th, Garage, sidewalks in. sodded, gas heated furnace. Living room with wall to wall carpeting; tile bath $15,500.

For appointment call George Herman, 3-3973. MASON CONTRACTOR Brirk, block and stone work Brick homes at a cost compete ive to frame." Del K. Kraus, phone 4-1503 MERTON TISTIIAMMER AUCTION Located 10 miles S.E. of La Crosse on U. S.

14 to Ten-Mile House, and 1 mile East on County Trunk SATURDAY, October 22nd Time: 12 00 Noon Lunch by Ladies 42 HEAD OF HOLSTEIN GUERNSEY CATTLE' 12 Holstein rows, milking and due to freshen Jan through March, 2 Guernsey cows milking and rebred for winter, 1 Holstein heifer, 2 yrs due by sale date: 1 Guernsey heifer. 2 yrs close springer; 4 Holstein heifers, bred for win'er freshening. 5 Guernsey heifers, bred for Deremoer; 9 Holsiem heifers, 14 to 18 mos open: 7 Holstein heifers. 8 to 10 mos 1 Holstein steer, long yearling. Practically all from Tri-State breeding and bred to Tri-State Mostly vaccinates.

Note the large selection of quality heifers. PIGS: 20 feeder pigs. POULTRY tc 20 White Rock hens; 2 chicken crates, 1 metal. GRAIN 9i FEED: 50 bu. 1959 corn: 500 bu 1960 com; 600 bales conditioned hay, 5 ft, corn silage In 10 ft.

silo. 2 TRACTORS EQUIP 1952 Ford ti actor, good condition; John Deere 'B tractor and cultivator; Dearborn 2-14" tractor plow; Dearborn lift type tandem disc; New Idea 7-ft trailer type power mower. Dearborn saw rig for Ford. Ford bumper; Fold pulley: heat cab for Ford. J.

B. 6'a-ft. quack digger, on rubber, used very little. TILLING. FERT.

GRAIN EQUIP W. plow; 2 2-sec. steel drags, 1 very good; Ezee Flow 88 seeder type lline spreader, on rubber, very good condition; New Idea No 18 manure spreader, very good; drag type grass seeder; 6-ft. gram drill. CORN Sc HAY EQUIP 2 sulky cults Gehl C40 silo filler, good condition; McCorD No.

7 mower; dump rake; MrCorD side del. rake; McCorD steel hay loader; Sears Roebuck 24-ft. hay bale elevator; P. elec, motor. DAIRY MOTIVE EQUIP 2 Surge seamless milker units; Surge pump and motor, pipeline for 23 cows, 12 10-gal cans; David Biadley 2-ton rubber tired wagonr hay rack; steel wheel wood frame wagon: 1953 Chevrolet ta-ton pickup truck, with rack, very good condition.

MISCELLANEOUS' 154-gal gas tank and hose; Surge electric and Par Mak battery fencers 300 burr oak fence posts, approx. 2 500 ft. new oak lumber, boards, 2x4, 26 and 6x6, Hudson 6-hole and 1-hole steel hog feeders: several steel hog troughs; 4 portable hog houses. 2 7x8. 1 8x10.

1 6x8 corn sheller: some snow fence: R. wheelbarrow; 2 50-ft drive belts; some pipe; a good supply of used metal roofing. Jack screw, plat, form scale; Stewart clippers; grindstone, 6-ft. steel stock tank, like new. HOUSEHOLD GOODS Florence 4 to 5 room wick type oil burner; portable elec, washing machine, record plaser; "libraiy table; 2 beds complete; 3 commodes; 2 dressers with mirrors; 2 wardrobes; baby busgv.

bathmette and basnet; chairs; porcelain top table, 2 portable laundry tubs, fruit jars and croaks. TERMS: $10 00 and under cash. Over that amount 4 down and bal In monthly Inst, to suit your needs with interest at only tjr per month. Russell Schroeder, Auctioneer. Marvin Miller, Rpr, Community Loan Finance Co.

FASD Trial Of Teamsters Local Is Recessed ST. LOUIS, Mo. (AP)-The trial of Teamsters Union Local 688 and four of its officers here has been indefinitely recessed because of the illness of U. S. Dist.

Judge George H. Moore. The union and the men are are way you them. Light, medium, heavy or no starch at all. 8 PM.

or write Pylon Products Distributors, 502 Second Webster City, Iowa ARMSTRONG STUDIO Weddings, port.uts, enlargements and copies. (Childrens pictures our Dial 2-8633. 507 Uj Main, above Soell Drug Store. 3-YEAR-OLD HOME, like new. at 2508 So.

13th Place. Built-In oven and stove, earpeted living room, two-rar garage. $17,000 Small down payment, balance like rent For appointment call August Witt, 2-9842 SPENCER individually designed foundation garments, health supports. Mrs Blanche MacPherson, reg. cors.

1226 So. 6th. Dial 4-0805. SERVICE MASTER Industry approved carpet, rug and furniture cleaning. Guaranteed mothproofing.

Free estimates. Lappm Cleaning Servtre, FOR SALE, the Dairy Way stand. Black River Falls, Wis. Land, building and equipment Located on South Highway 12. Very good 6 month business, priced right Less than down.

Small donn payment now will hold until April. Balance of down payment then Write or see Mr. and Mrs. Louis Murphy. 326 South 2nd 8t Black River Falls, Wis FOOD from ROUND THE WORLD Shop in OLD WORLD MARKETS FOREIGN FOOD FAIR 218-220 SO 3rd ST TRUCK OPERATORS OPENINGS AT ONCE for Tandem Tractors, gas or diesel.

Permanent or Wintertime Contracts, Guaranteed Mileage Pay! Ruan Transport Corp. Dubuque, Iowa Phone 58 3-8235 BLIND ADS giving Tribune box numbers, must be answered by letter. Advertiser's name and address cannot be given out by Tribune employes. 2 BEDROOM home, oak floors, plastered walls, full basem*nt, newly redecorated. On bus line Lot 50xl40.

Reasonably priced 2-0366 WE SHARPEN HAND SAWS, circular saws, knives, scissors, planer knives, animal clipper blades, etc TOM! The Speedometer Man, 614 Main. Dial 2-6975 ADVERTIsem*nT FOR BIDS Sealed bids for the construction of a wall well, a pumphouse and the furnishing and installa-charged with making ille-ition of pumping equipment will be 1 1 received by the Village of Holmen, gal political contributions in La Crosse County, Wisconsin until federal election campaigns. rl0Lk on.lh.t day of November 1960 the Village The defense was presenting Han the village of Hoimen. its case when the trial was re-1 nd its case wnen me mat was re- the 0((lf of the Gpneral cessed because Of Judge Engineering Company, Consulting Moore's illness. He is suffering from neuralgia.

Icopies of th plans and speclfica- ttons at the above place upon Individuals on trial arc Har- making a deposit of $1000 which old J. Gibbons, executive vice wlU bf r'turnfk t0 i contractors making a bona fide president of the international bid of the work upon return of of the work upon Tfturn Help Wonted, Women 26 AVON COSMETICS Demand for Avon in Vernon County area provides excellent earning opportunity to two housewives. No experience necessary. Must act at once. Phone 2-4319 or write Box 318 La Crosse BRICK STONE WORK Chimneys, planters, all types of masonry.

Geiwitz Const. 2-0797. MAJOR OIL CO has opportunity for person interested a good income This service station is available for person willing to work hard. Located on mam highway in La Crosse, some investment necessary with our assistance. We will train you at our expense.

Call 2-3057 for WINDOW GLASS We repair storm windows, pickup and delivery service. North Side Gamble Store, Phone 4-1739. New 3 Bedroom Ranch Style Attached garage. Built-in stove and oven; earpeted living room. Only $11,900.

317 Spruce Onalaska. MLS 3092. TOOKE REALTY CO. 2-3643 WOMAN Anxious to build a lifelong career in a profession of high earnings. Nationally known firm has local opening for one such person, 'Write Box P-832, Tribune CLEAN RUGS, upholstery at your home.

Use same day. Guaranteed moth immunization Home Service Cleaner. Dial 2-1800 RESORT TAVERN, full liquor license, knotty pine bar room, living quarters and housekeeping cottages, about 1 500' lake frontage by owner. $27,500. Don McGoff.

Summit Lake. Wis. union; William Latal, president of 688; John Naber, secretary of the local; and Sidney Zagri, former political activity director of 688 and now an international officer. ROOFING. PAINTING, masonry work, steps, sidewalks, building and repairing chimneys.

Dial 4-1418. EXPERIENCED waitress, full or part time, apply in person after 2 pm. Henninger's Restaurant. 314 Jay 'KWl'IWO-vey FOR SALE. Grocery store, including building with apartment upstairs.

Very reasonable. Contact Julius Raddatz, administrator, Ethel Finch Estate, Mernllan, Wisconsin. MUST SELL! 2 bedroom sturco home. Large attractive carpeted living room, full basem*nt Garage. 2611 Ward Ave.

4-3800. rebuilt Into in-neripring recovered, LaX Woolen 1645 George. 4-1637. WAITRESS, full time. Good income.

Experience not necessary. No phone calls, Victor's, 111 No. 4th. plans and apeciflcations. Bids must be accompanied by a certified check or bid bond equal to 6U of the bid.

payable to the Village as a guaranty that if the bid is accepted the bidder will execute and file the proper contract and bond within the time limited by the Village. If the successful bidder so files the contrart and bond, then upon the execution ot the contract bv the Village, the check or bid bond will be returned. but in case he fails to so file such sn executed contract and! bond, then the amount of the check or bid bond shall be forfeited to the Village as liquidated damages. Each bidder must submit proof of responsibility statement and also a history reeord showing gravel wall wells he has constructed for municipalities In consln, at least days prior to the LOnascapmg 1232 Caledonia. COTTON mattresses or Mills RAY L.

Pianos tuned, 1707 Jackson FURNITURE Many right in your Furnace Kleen-Alr Co HELP US CELEBRATE OUR 4th REVOR repaired, regulated. Dial 4-4633 EXPERIENCED woman for restaurant work. Apply in person. Maid-Rue. 119 So.

3rd; 1117 Caledonia. WELL ESTABLISHED manufacturing business. Can be handled in the home. $700. Write W-837, BY OWNER: 3-bedroom brick home, oak trim, painted basem*nt.

tile floor, ceramic tile entry. 1003 Main, Onalaska. REPAIRED and re-flnlshed. Jobs can be done home. Phone 2-7198 37 Money to Loan FARMER'S! i a ipt ANIMALS MARKET MACHINERY FARMS FARM AUCTIONS FEED -SEEDS HOME NEEDS 3EVEN ROOM uith bath, running water, $4 000.

Ralph See-kamp. Highway 53, mile north of OnalaKa, Wis. Cleaning 4-4649 day or night AVON CHRISTMAS STARTS NOW BIG PROFITS on beautiful gift sets. Help us supply the demand for all of our products. Show and sell.

Phone 2-4319 or write Box 318. La Crosse. 1 3 WAITRESS WANTED Must be ex penenced, reliable and neat. Ap ply Main's Cafe, 121 No. Fifth.

5 YARD LOADS sand fill, crushed rock and cinders for dilveways. Phone 2-3757. William Brown LOCAL DOLLARS LOANED TO LOCAL PEOPLE the 22nd GIRL OR WOMAN to llve-ln. Light housework and some babysitting Phone 2-3194. STOP! Here is your best value In a 3-bedroom Ranch.

Owner has reduced price to $10,500. Close to Trane Co. at 2119 East Ave South E-Z financing. MLS. dp3091.

TOOKE REALTY CO. 2-3643 or 4-6878 PEAT. BLACK dirt, sod and sod laving. Phone 4-5629, Ken Srhhrht WANTED Girl for housework, stay nights. Mrs.

Arthur Holmes, 1428 MBin letting A B'hedule of minimum wage rates has been determined according to the provisions of Section 66 293 of the Wisconsin Statutes, which schedule is on file in the office of the Village Clerk of the Village of Holman. Wisconsin By: Wall Village Clerk Holmen, Wisconsin General Engineering Company Tennant. 8 Hamel, Vik Consulting Engineers. City Bank Building, Portage. Wisconsin Limiting Time For Filing order Limitin, Time For, Legal Notices WANTED Help Wanted, Men 27 Farms For Sale NEAR WINONA.

This is jour chance, small farm, about 60 acres. 15 acres in cultivation 3-bedroom modern home Good basem*nt barn, silo and other buildings, on main highway. Im-. mediate possession Only $15 000. See or call W.

Stahr. 374 West Mark, Winona. Telephone 6925 BY OWNER: 2 bedroom home with expansion area Condition like new. Vacant. 1416 East Ave.

So. Phone 4-2999 BIDS ON FQlIPMEST Stal'd bids will be received by the La Crosse County H.nhaay Committee up to 10 00 a m. Thurs- uommii.r. "'T COMMUNITY LOAN FINANCE INC. 1111 Caledonia St.

Dial 2-3225 Jf yuA have experience in Cla.m. (on Hn.r. nnl Fo, Pr.ol Co. nVK.J'co: 2 chasing NEWLY PAINTED modern 3-bedroom house. Tiled bath, new fix tures.

Basem*nt. Garage. 420 Jackson. REDUCED FOR QUICK sale" modern 3 bedroom home South side. Leaving town.

1308 Hjde Ave. Livestock, Poultry FOR SALE: Entire herd nineteen Hereford brood cn ith or! without calves. Some purebred and registered. Registered Domino bull, good one Virgil Trvg. gesiad, Sta Hwy.

56, West Ylroqua at Bud FOR SALE Fite Hereford steers 4 heifer raises Top quality. Bob Morris, Rt. 1. La Crescent, Minn. Phone Hokah TV 4-2201 after 4pm HORSES Sell where you get the MOST money.

We pirk up. Call COLLECT Walter Marg, BLACK RIVER FALLS, Wis. FOR SALE. 450 Babco Bessie pullets, 5 months old Orville Mahlum. Ettrick, Wis.

Tel. Lam-bert 5-4659 FOR SALE. Springing Holstems, freshen October November Grade and pnrebreds. John Krause. Rt.

1. Viroqua FOR SALE Two purebied Hamp-shire boais, serviceable age. Jerrv Bnm Holland Bjorn, Ettirk. Wn MONEY TO LOAN on La Crosae real estate. Low Interest rates.

WAVRA ft JIRACEK REALTY CO. Hoesrhler Bldg. misalnner, room no. 7. Court House.

La Crosse. Wisconsin to furnish the following equipment: 41961 Trucks with dump boxes 6 or 8 cylinders, 125 or more brake hnre power, 18,000 to 23.000 GV W. 11961 Truck with dump box ejrp. voirt ior 8 cylinder, 140 or more brake; IRIS IS IOf XUU. horse power, 20,000 to 23.000 ovw.

(Your department will ban- If you want a chance at a KEY JOB in a small but rapidly expanding concern Btatft of Wisconsin, La Crosse County Court. In Probate. In the matter of the estate of Mary Buchholz. deceased A petition for probate of the estate of Mary Buchholz deceased, late of the City of La Crosse, La Crosse County, Wisconsin, and for determination and adjudication of heirship, having ben filed, IT 18 ORDERED WE LOAN MONEY on watches, diamonds, binoculars, cameras, guns, etc. The Hub Loan 105 So.

3rd St. Phone 44884 THORP FINANCE CORP. Loans $50 to $5,000 or more. 760 Main St Dial 4-61571 NEAR WINONA, known as Hlck-: ory Ridge Stables. 60 acres all In pasture.

Ideal for riding horses or sheep 4-bedroom house, good basem*nt barn, arranged for horses Beautiful view of Stockton Valiev, near blacktop highway, $12 750. See or write W. Stahr. 374 West Mark, Winona. Telephone 6925 NEAR NODINE, the Roy Brown 80-acre farm, about 40 In cultivation.

A good producing farm Basem*nt barn, silo, granarv. new chicken coop, corn crib, 6-room house, good well, right on blacktop highway $11 600. See or write W. Stahr. 374 West Mark Winona Telephone 6925 FARM FOR SALE or rent, contact Lea Cole, Barre Mills, Wts FARM.

Excellent for hunting loose, 90 acres. Inquire 1227 Green Bv Tht the time within which 11 EP'ciflrnflone end die Cost Accounting, Pur-rreditnri ol id dereevd shall be HlSh- present rleime gmU uch for exemlnellnn end ellowenre In A11 hereby fixed end limited up tn end by Hlghw Com will assistant. v-Mi-tf You have an Montgomery Wards Regular $139.95 7- Piece Dinette Set in eligant bronze or chrome finish. 24x36'' table included. NOW ONLY 5107.88 Wanted to Borrow 40 $1 600 ON SECOND mortgage by reliable parry.

Good interest rate. Write 0-826 Tribune WANTED TO BUY Feeder pigs. Siate price and a.te. Write B-8JI, Tribune I 500 LEGHORN pullfta, priced to Frank Johnson, La Crea-rfnt TW 6-2185 Dogs, Cats, Pets AUSTRALIAN TERRIER, purebred1 puppies Some of the first in U. 8 Contact Hodgson.

1 Bail Clmre, Wis. Telephone TE 2-6466 including the 2nd day of January, 1961, That proofs of heirship be taken and all claims and demands against the said drreased be examined and adjusted bv the Court on the 3rd day of January. 1961, at the opening of the Court on that dav. or aa soon thereafter as the matter an be heard Dated September 27, I960, By the Court, EUGENE TOPTFL, Countv Judge Carrol Weigel, Attorney, 302 Rvnll Rldg La Crosse. Wt NOTH f.

OF HMRIMfTO-" ac An. Aim Ymi are hereby notified that a resolution la pending before the Common Council of the City of La Crosse for the vatahon of the following dearnbed alley, to- 11 That portion of the public alley missioner A certified check in the amount of made payable to the La Crosse County Treasurer must ac company bid The Highway Committee reserves the Or tO accept sum uiu. $nn mi be mo4t advantageous for 10. Crosse County. All bids will be publxly opened and read bv the County Highway Commute on November 3 I960 Outside of envelope to be plainly marked Bid on Trucks Dated this 1 Jt day of October.

19o Bv der of the t.a Crosse County Highway Commuter. Paul A Hartwng la Crosse County Highway Commissioner Sealed bids for $16 500 FOR THE RIGHT MAN ttnni, E'r at 118 post Offue We pay our top men in other areas Tomnh Wisconsin will be received1 from $14 000 to $24,000 a year We amutiiif ut 3, 4. 7, 8 and 00 pm. CRT, November have an opening worth Just es Durand.ig i960 in Boom 575 IT 8 Court-! nitu or mote in this vinnily. bouse.

ChMagn 4. Illinois nnd You must be over 30 and be able 10 Blmk 8 Burnt, Smi'h and Ruble Addition of GILMEN BERGH AUCTION Located one mile West and South of Hixton, just off Hwy. 95. FRIDAY, Oct. 21 st Ladies Aid Lunch i P.M, Sharp.

Ia'YEAR-OLD Arabian riding horae, very rntle Call 4-5243. Form and Home Needs1 FACTORY AUTHORUFD SAJIS. PARTS AND SERVICE ft American Rosih. Mleo, Fair. Eurmann.

Phr. Ion. Be'dix, Scintilla and Case manners Auto-Lit parti and arir, Zrnuh S'romnrrf ond Marvel 8chcblff carburetor. BriRR and Straton, Wlaron am. CHnon, Laiisoq and Pow er Producii enum, parti and aertVu.

Clinton chain im, parti and aervitf. AH make farm traf'ftf Hart-fra carburetor! repaired or, VlLl.APD Afro ElFCTRIC Nn-h 4h 8 UE GIVE hi trade-in allnwanre 1 for vour furniture. na for furniture. i'ovM, earprvni. linoleum appliances.

ee era lurnHme CJod people do huftineaf with Ml Main, La' rotAf FOR 8AI FIilrd by, in Ariui feed atrera, fit 21 jrnpthl new lvanirrd pipe Sew 3 Pima eerttir ninnr, Coon VaVv atrnrt J.Hh? i'v Crown (alley tatrndlnf I'hen puhlitly opened In Room 575 to make ahnit auto 1 1 Ipa. iril si.u Btrcet between 6th conrennng bidding Ameru a a finest lubiuants direct mav be obiuined from to Contrat tors. Farmers, and other notiried that IAt General Fervieea Admtmat ra heavy equipment owner We tram non. Region 8. 675 US Courthouse hirago 4.

Illinois, or Custodian of the building prefer! and 7th Street! 5mi are fmiher hearing therenn will be had before he Common Council on the ftth dav of November, lft 9 00 orlo-k man us now and atav a long urn Car allowance and other r-matkabic fringe brndtia offered th AM. In the tounni eham hers the City of La Creme, at hwh time anv and all mav be heard for or the iteration nf stub alley Dated September 27 1966 fer order of th Common Conn- it, ICR A DinCKON Vv 'erk of (a te Auction Directory WED Oct. 19th. I m. Located I l1, miles 8.

of Blsir on Hwy. 63 then 2 miles on on Lone Sur Ridge. Edward A Shroedcr. owner Rv Arnrson, auctioneer. Northern Investment Co.

THURS It's m. Loratrd 12 milea 8 ot Winons. 4 miles 8W. of Wltoka, 6 miles W. of Ridgewav.

John Ford, owner. Al-. vin Knliner, auctioneer. nne-sota Land and Auction Service THURS7Oct720at 12 30 mfLo-cated 3. milea W.

of Imirk on C. T. or 1 mile 8 ol Blair on Hwy. $3 to then 9 miles W. on 10 then mil N.

on Alvin I Hogden, owner. A Zrrk. sur. tloneer Northern Investment f'n FRIDAY70rt73l at I pm, In-ruled on mile West and Son'h of Hixton, Mis. Just olf Hwv 95 Oilmen Bergh, owner Alvm Kohner aunionerr.

Northern Irvutmnt Co Farm Implements SEE SCHALLERS EOR Near and Used Corn Plikrra. Is-ge Stork of New and Ueed Comninra for bean harvest Used Corn Shredders and B'nd-er. flail lip ciinpneia. Silo riller, Blnwers, Chopper Boars and Wsaons, Plowa and Harrows Israe arork nf iurd Traitors Several with lua PIO. taraa almk Of pew Msssev-Fer-ausnn Fox, Othl and lur.dcli mtiUmes.

1 SCHAt.T.KFVS FARM SUiTLY PRICE AIRIE CNAtASKA FhrtD $7 HEAD OF HIGH GRADE DAIRY CATTLE. 39 Holstein rn. sp'inging. I Hnlttrln cons, fresh In past 3 ecks, 9 Hols'em first calf heifers fresh In past 4 eeka, 5 Guernsey ros, frexh 2-4 weeks, I Guernsey row, springing; 2 Brown Swiss cows, springing, 4 Holstein heilers. springing; 3 Clurrnxev hellers, springing, 4 Holstein hcileis bred 2 open HoMein heifers, 5 'open Guernsey heilers.

3 Swiss Shorihorn rrosa heifers A select herd of high quallly dairy cattle, 11 lows are either )uat Iresh or springing All young rows and all are vaccinated. Be sure to attend this sale if you need some good dmry cattle. 2 HORSES Team of well broke work horses NOTE Mr Bergh had a serious tractor smdenl on Oct 14. whuh will hovpn.ilire him st St Mnrvs Hospital In Rorhrsirr Minn tor some tune. Because of this he is fnurd to dispose ot his herd immediaiely.

Auctioneer; Alvin Kohner rierk- Northern Investment Co. represented bv EMon Berg TERMS Cash or finance with down and the bslanct in monthly Inaiellmente. THE SHORTEST DISTANCE Between Buyer and Seller is a WANT AD For personal interview see Manager, C. Johnson, at the Idgrwater Hotel. Mudtson.

Wisconsin at 9 00 AM. on Thursday OHober 26. Ifttift ARE YOU THE MAN Doea your present Job oiler id-vanremeni? Can ou lnk forward to greater eatmn possibilities and a aeiu. future? If ymir answer li No Then you will be Interested In the offer we have to mane, Writ Box R-81J, Tribune BUYERS FOR USED ORGANS Thai Were Traded for Hammonds LOOK AT THESE PRICES! WAS NOW WURLITZER SPINET ORGAN and BENCH $1,675 $1,195 Double pmwvion, antique iheiry finish. Almost biiinii new.

WURLITZER SPINET ORGAN and BENCH $1,495 895 M.ilingnny. Excellent condition, WURLITZER SPINET ORGAN and BENCH $1,545 935 Dimed ii, ik. IW cornUum. THOMAS SPINET ORGAN ond BENCH 795 395 Mahogany, Nne ESTEY ELEC. REED ORGAN Special 195 lull Kejbu.iifl, Mtal for small chuuli.

lomliNon, CONN SPINET ORGAN and BENCH Special 825 Wit li jifuiu-, mn. DJ.e new, Come Early for Your Choice $20 DOWN ON ANY OF THESE ITEMS BALANCE IN MONTHLY PAYMENTS Farms Wanted Savings You Can't Afford to Miss! Visit Our Large. I 'sal i'urmturc Dept. FARM BUVFlt NFEDfl fsr exceed ihe number of farms hsv for ssie if von wsnt posi'na an, on in the sale nf your Miseonsin nneunta fsrm proper! v. LrtT NOMi 'all Gensld Rr.UV, 7J B.

1 Plmue 4-1SI6 Fccds-Sccds-Fcrtiliicr COtriUNn hsv 8 Of a hale, A 'Ml a hu.h wond fnr tieii. 4 J' Sslunisv. Phone SALESMAN WANTED We have epeninj! for enci'cetic, experienced srIcs-inan to sell the New Chrysler, riymouth-Valiant and LVcd ems. A Rond Proposl-i' linn for the riulit man. Apply In Person or by letter! tatinii nse, experience, or present Employer.

Voss Motor Sates 700 North 3rd. St. TkfMIMI EAlTrol'N I Y- MaiT" in (like over rMablhed rout in tnlrV)Ue A'tad and Inrirpend-due )4 a week plua prime Wfifr 6.1? 1 ribtine roN titACr 1IHTKMFN mak $1 a 1 railer futnfhed If over 21 writ MA Flow kh, Bra 107, Indian- llifi 16 AN 1 1 II (iprtahir Tuf aw 1 motel livtig rnom in mnneilmn I'rnetilM baftia. Wilt Tribune linn THIS WINTER Don't Get Cold Feet Because Of Poor Heat! Winter's chill blasts on't bother you ot home if you coll us today. We're experts in preparing your home for the kind of heating comfort that gives you a cozy feeling from head to toe to fingertip, You con be sure dl give you the finest service.

Our reputation in this community rests with you ond other satisfied customers. Thol'i why we must do our best for you. P. G. TERPSTRA FUELS, INC.

Coll 2-1344 1321 Roi St. Overstuffed Loungo Chairs as low as $4.75 R-pc. Walnut Dining Boom Suites $39.75 $19.75. New Wal. Metal Stove Boards $1.75 $2.25 $2 45 Oak Buffets with mirrors Only $12.75 $19 75.

All Kinds of Bed At Lowest Inces. Sofa Beds, sleep Uo. Only $29.75 fl-Tc. Living Boom Ememhle a group you c*nt bent at only $09.75 Two Kitchen Cnhincts with porcelain Tops $14.75 $39.75. 2 Tc.

Living Boom Suites with matching chair $9.75 and up. Atliiictive Wat, Vanity, Chest and Bed. Complete Suite only $99.75, 5-pe. Dinette Sets from $14.75 and, up. GOOD STOCK OF RrPAIft PARTS for Mood aud Dearborn pull typ.

COHN' TICKERS LI DUN IlKOS. 319 King SI. MAHON TlltM $1 3 AND W. vuuanii au.i and ttp-s Of f.m lues t.OOUVMH SERVlr i0RS 111 Nmih '64 rirriiK Uif.el 1 tur with tierer -ne (UO $4 Sen rnona 4 Canvas Covers Hravy duty, )n tmk, fnr tnu ks, hay-1 'k4(kA ftp, posts BarfiJ, bn rmrnte, tM.jl builtlingg. All sues aiui luigth.

ff Ln Attention S.ilcMiirn! fsy 1UIMS Auctioneers llfi-118 So. Fourth St, C.ITY inov uriil AUTOpAlUS Oj-ni Eiiripv ji m. Ail Duy Sul ti Till N.wut 2920 6 a-ifpMfig ppiuftttoft for dtrft Mit'mrn It 19 Ifni. It t-r Fmpirimtht, 9 7 work Wfrk btv Mftiint hd would I to fpptr rht lwin mrrpih Hr Mr brl, Mntfl la IhutMUy, cm, Uom I'M of Le Village RuFr-tiL dmiRf'impn Huhnd Aur tiM '31 la 14 AMRtr AltmMti' nd Bubn A 1 -in A Fhfr 1535 Lcscy Elvd 5o. D'al 4 VA1 I I Vj ft 1 -j i ft ifft, -1A A.

tt 11 fi nitu da.

The La Crosse Tribune from La Crosse, Wisconsin (2024)
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Author information

Name: Frankie Dare

Birthday: 2000-01-27

Address: Suite 313 45115 Caridad Freeway, Port Barabaraville, MS 66713

Phone: +3769542039359

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Baton twirling, Stand-up comedy, Leather crafting, Rugby, tabletop games, Jigsaw puzzles, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Frankie Dare, I am a funny, beautiful, proud, fair, pleasant, cheerful, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.