GridMM: Grid Memory Map for Vision-and-Language Navigation (2024)

Zihan Wang1,2, Xiangyang Li1,2, Jiahao Yang1,2, Yeqi Liu1,2, Shuqiang Jiang1,2
1Key Lab of Intelligent Information Processing Laboratory of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS),
Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, 100190, China
2University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, 100049, China,,
{jiahao.yang, yeqi.liu},


Vision-and-language navigation (VLN) enables the agent to navigate to a remote location following the natural language instruction in 3D environments. To represent the previously visited environment, most approaches for VLN implement memory using recurrent states, topological maps, or top-down semantic maps. In contrast to these approaches, we build the top-down egocentric and dynamically growing Grid Memory Map (i.e., GridMM) to structure the visited environment. From a global perspective, historical observations are projected into a unified grid map in a top-down view, which can better represent the spatial relations of the environment. From a local perspective, we further propose an instruction relevance aggregation method to capture fine-grained visual clues in each grid region. Extensive experiments are conducted on both the REVERIE, R2R, SOON datasets in the discrete environments, and the R2R-CE dataset in the continuous environments, showing the superiority of our proposed method. The source code is available at

1 Introduction

Vision-and-language navigation (VLN) tasks [4, 35, 42] require an agent to understandnatural language instructions and act according to the instructions. Twodistinct VLN scenarios have been proposed, being navigation in discreteenvironments (e.g., R2R [4], REVERIE [42], SOON [65]) and in continuous environments(e.g., R2R-CE [34], RxR-CE [35]). The discrete environment in VLNis abstracted as the topology structure of interconnected navigable nodes.With the connectivity graph, the agent can move to an adjacent nodeon the graph by selecting a direction from navigable directions.Different from the discrete environments, VLN in continuous environments require the agent to move through low-level controls (i.e., turn left 15 degrees, turn right 15 degrees, or move forward 0.25meters), which is closer to real-world robot navigation and more challenging.

GridMM: Grid Memory Map for Vision-and-Language Navigation (1)

Whether in discrete environments or continuous environments,historical information during navigation plays an important rolein environment understanding and instruction grounding. In previousworks [4, 19, 52, 58, 27], recurrent states are most commonly used as historical informationfor VLN, which encode historical observations and actions within afixed-size state vector. However, such condensed states might be insufficient for capturing essential information in trajectory history. Therefore, Episodic transformer [41] and HAMT [12] propose to directly encode the trajectoryhistory and actions as a sequence of previous observations instead of using recurrent states. Furthermore, in order to structure thevisited environment and make global planning, a few recent approaches [10, 14, 36] structurethe topological map, as shown in Fig. 1(a). However, these methods are difficult to represent the spatial relations among objects and scenes in historical observations, thus a lot of detailed information is lost. As shown in Fig. 1(b), more recent works [29, 20, 11, 28] model the navigation environment using the top-down semantic map, which represents spatial relations more precisely. But the semantic concepts are extremely limited due to the pre-defined semantic labels. So the objects or scenes, which are not included in prior semantic labels, cannot be represented, such as the “refrigerator” in Fig. 1(b). Moreover, as illustrated in Fig. 1(b), the objects with diverse attributes such as “wood table” and “blue couch” cannot be fully expressed by the semantic map which misses object attributes.

In contrast to the above works [10, 14, 20, 28], we propose the Grid MemoryMap (i.e., GridMM), a visual representation structure for modeling global historical observations during navigation. Different from BEVBert [1], who applies local hybrid metric maps for short-term reasoning, our GridMM leverages both temporal and spatial information to depict the globally visited environment. Specifically, the grid map divides the visited environment into many equally large grid regions, and each grid region contains many fine-grained visual features. We dynamically construct a grid memory bank to update the grid map during navigation. At each step of navigation, the visual features from the pre-trained CLIP [45] model are saved into the memory bank, and all of them are categorized into the grid map regions based on their coordinates calculated via the depth information. To obtain the representation of each region, we design an instruction relevance aggregation method to capture the visual features most relevant to instructions and aggregate them into one holistic feature. With the help of N×N aggregated map features, the agent is able to accurately conduct the next action planning. A wealth of experiments illustrate the effectiveness of our GridMM compared with the previous methods.

In summary, we make the following contributions:

  • We propose the Grid Memory Map for VLN to structure the global space-time relations of the visited environment and adopt instruction relevance aggregation to capture visual clues relevant to instructions.

  • We comprehensively compare different maps representing the visited environment in VLN and analyze the characteristics of our proposed GridMM, which depicts more fine-grained information and gives some insights into future works in VLN.

  • Extensive experiments are conducted to verify the effectiveness of our method in both discrete environments and continuous environments, which show that ourmethod outperforms existing methods on many benchmark datasets.

2 Related work

Vision-and-Language Navigation (VLN). VLN [4, 58, 25, 56, 43, 14, 13] has received significant attention in recent years with the continualimprovement. The VLN tasks includestep-by-step instructions such as R2R [4] and RxR [35], navigation with dialogsuch as CVDN [55], and navigation for remote object groundingsuch as REVERIE [42] and SOON [65]. All tasks require the agent’s ability to use time-dependentvisual observations for decision-making. Restricted by the heavy computationof exploring the large action space in continuous environments, early works mainly focused on discrete environments. Among them,a recurrent unit is usually utilized to encode historicalobservations and actions within a fixed-size state vector [4, 19, 52, 58, 27].Instead of relying on the recurrent states, HAMT [12] explicitly encodesthe panoramic observation history to capture long-range dependency,and DUET [14] proposes to encode the topological map for efficient global planning. Inspired by the success of vision-and-languagepre-training [51, 45], HOP [43, 44] utilizes well-designed proxy tasks for pre-training to enhancethe interaction between vision and language modalities. ADAPT [40] employs action prompts to improve the cross-modal alignment ability. Based on data augmentation methods, someapproaches enlarge training data of visual modality [30] and linguisticmodality [19, 39, 18, 31] depending on existing VLN datasets. Moreover, AirBERT [21] andHM3D-AutoVLN [13] improve the performance by creating large-scaletraining dataset. KERM [38] utilizes a large knowledge base to depict navigation views for better generalization ability. In this work, we propose a dynamically growing grid memory map for structuring the visited environment and making long-term planning, which facilitates environment understanding and instruction grounding.

VLN in Continuous Environments (VLN-CE). VLN-CE [34]converts the topologically-defined VLNtasks such as R2R [4] into the continuous environment tasks, whichis closer to real-world navigation. Different from the discrete environments,the agent in VLN-CE must navigate to the destination by selecting low-levelaction, similar to some visual navigation tasks [62, 61, 37, 63, 53, 54, 66]. Some approaches [20, 11] apply top-down semantic maps for environment understanding and use language-aligned waypoints supervision [29] for action prediction. Recently, Bridging [26] and Sim-2-Sim [33] for transferring pre-trained VLNagents to continuous environments have achieved considerable results.Compared with training agents from scratch in VLN-CE,this strategy can reduce the computational cost of pre-trainingand accelerate model convergence.In this work, we pre-train our model based on the proposed GridMM in discrete environmentsand then transfer the model to continuous environments. Experiments in both discrete environments and continuous environments illustrate the effectiveness of our method.

GridMM: Grid Memory Map for Vision-and-Language Navigation (2)

Maps for Navigation. The works on visual navigation [22, 8, 59] and other 3D indoor scene understanding tasks [24, 5, 6, 15]has a long tradition of constructing maps. Some works represent themap as topological structures for back-tracking to other locations [10]or supporting global action planning [14]. In addition, some approaches [20, 28]construct a top-down semantic map to more precisely represent spatial relations of the environment.Recently, BEVBert [1] introduced topo-metric maps from robotics into VLN, which uses topological maps for long-term planning and applies hybrid metric maps for short-term reasoning.Its metric map divides the local environment around the agent into 21×21 cells, and each cell represents a square region with a side length of 0.5m. Moreover, the short-term visual observations within two steps are mapped into these cells. However, our GridMM is completely different in terms of: (1)BEVBert enriches the representations of the local observation with grid features.Our GridMM aims to perceive more space-time relationships with the dynamically growing grid map, which leverages both temporal and spatial information to depict the globally visited environment.(2) The grid-based metric map in BEVBert is only used for local action prediction. Our GridMM expands with the expansion of the visited environment, providing spatial enhanced representations for both local and global action prediction.(3) The representations of the metric map for BEVBert are only the visual features. The representations of each cell in our GridMM are self-adapted to the instructions, which contain both visual and linguistic information.

3 Method

3.1 Navigation Setups

For VLN in discrete environments, the navigation connectivity graph 𝒢={𝒱,} is provided in the Matterport3D simulator [7], where 𝒱 denotes navigablenodes and denotes edges. An agent is equipped withRGB and depth cameras, and a GPS sensor. Initialized at a startingnode and given natural language instructions, the agent needs to explorethe navigation connectivity graph 𝒢 and reach the targetnode. 𝒲={wl}l=1L denote the word embeddings of the instruction with L words. At each time step t, the agentobserves panoramic RGB images t={rt,k}k=1K and the depth images 𝒟t={dt,k}k=1K of its current node 𝒱t, which contains K singleview images. The agent is aware of a few navigableviews 𝒩(t)t corresponding to its neighboring nodes and their coordinates.

VLN in continuous environments is established over Habitat [50], where the agent’s position 𝒫t can be any point in the open space. In each navigation step, we use a pre-trained waypoint predictor [26] to generate navigable waypoints in continuous environments, which assimilates the task with the VLN in discrete environments.

3.2 Grid Memory Mapping

As illustrated in Fig. 2, we present our grid memory mapping pipeline. At each navigation step t, we first store the fine-grained visual features and their corresponding coordinates in the grid memory. For the panoramic RGB images t={rt,k}k=1K, we use a pre-trained CLIP-ViT-B/32 [45] model to extract grid features Gt={gt,kH×W×D}k=1K, and the grid feature of row h column w is denoted as gt,k,h,wD. The corresponding depth images 𝒟t are downsized to the same scale as 𝒟t={dt,kH×W}k=1K, and the depth value of row h column w is denoted as dt,k,h,w. For convenience, we denote all the subscripts (k,h,w) as i, where i ranges from 1 to I, and I=KHW. So gt,k,h,w is denoted as g^t,i, and dt,k,h,w is denoted as d^t,i. Similar to [3, 28], we can calculate the absolute coordinates P(g^t,i) of g^t,i:


where (𝒳t,𝒴t) denotes the agent’s current coordinate, θt,i denotes the heading angle between g^t,i and the current orientation of agent, dt,iline denotes the euclidean distance between g^t,i and the agent, which can be calculated via d^t,i and θt,i. We store all these grid features and their absolute coordinates in the grid memory:


Then we propose a dynamic coordinate transformation method for constructing the grid memory map using visual features in grid memory t. Intuitively, we can construct the maps as shown in Fig. 3(a). The visited environment is represented by projecting all historical observations g^t,i into unified maps based on their absolute coordinates P(g^t,i). However, such maps have two drawbacks. First, it is not efficient enough to align the candidate observations and the instruction with the absolute coordinate. Second, it is difficult to determine the scale and extent of the map without prior information about the environment [64].

To address these deficiencies, we propose a new mapping method to construct the top-down egocentric and dynamically growing map, as illustrated in Fig. 3(b). At each step, we build a grid map in an egocentric view by projecting all features of the grid memory t into a new planar cartesian coordinate system with the agent’s position as the coordinate origin and the agent’s current direction as the positive direction of the y-axis.In this new coordinate system, for each grid feature g^s,i in t (where s ranges from 1 to t), we can calculate the new relative coordinates Ptrel(g^s,i) in time step t:


where Θt represents the heading angle between the new coordinate system and the old coordinate system.

Further, we construct the grid memory map (i.e., GridMM) via the grid features and their new coordinates. At step t, the grid memory map takes Lt as the side length:


So that the size of the GridMM increases with the expansion of the visited environment. The agent is always in the center of this map and the map is aligned with current panoramic observations in an egocentric view. Then the map is divided into N×N cells and all features of t are projected into these cells according to their new relative coordinates. Finally, weconstruct the grid memory map trel with N×N cells, and each cell contains multiple fine-grained visual features. After aggregating all visual features in each cell into one embedding vector, the map features MtN×N×D is obtained. The detailed aggregation method is described in Sec. 3.3.2.

GridMM: Grid Memory Map for Vision-and-Language Navigation (3)

3.3 Model Architecture

3.3.1 Instruction and Observation Encoding

For instruction encoding, each word embedding in 𝒲 is added with a position embeddingand a token type embedding. All tokens are then fed into a multi-layertransformer to obtain word representations, denoted as 𝒲={wl}l=1L.

For view images t of the panoramic observation, we use the ViT-B/16 [17] pre-trained on ImageNet to extract visual features t.Then we represent their relative angles as at=(sinθta,cosθta,sinφta,cosφta), where θta and φta are the relative headingand elevation angles to the agent’s orientation. The candidate waypoints are represented as 𝒩(t), and the line distance between waypoints and the current agent is denoted asbt. Similarly, we represent the relative angles between the agentand the start waypoint as ct=(sinθtc,cosθtc,sinφtc,cosφtc).Then we concatenatethe line distance distline(𝒱0,𝒱t),navigation trajectory length disttraj(𝒱0,𝒱t),and action step diststep(𝒱0,𝒱t)between agent and the start waypoint to obtain et=(distline(𝒱0,𝒱t),disttraj(𝒱0,𝒱t),diststep(𝒱0,𝒱t)).Finally, the observation embeddingsare as follows:


where the LN denotes layer normalization, W1𝒪 and W2𝒪 are learnable parameters. A special “stop” token 𝒪t,0 is added to 𝒪t for the stop action.We use a two-layer transformer to model relations among observation embeddings and output 𝒪t.

3.3.2 Grid Memory Encoding

As described in Sec. 3.2, we need to aggregate multiple grid features ineach cell into one embedding vector. Due to the complexity of the navigation environment, a large numberof grid features within each cell region are not all needed by the agent to complete navigation. The agent needs more critical and highly correlated information with current instructionto understand the environment. Therefore, we propose an instruction relevance method to aggregate features in each cell. Specifically, for grid features in eachcell t,m,nrel={g^t,jD}j=1J, wherethe corresponding coordinates {Prel(g^t,j)}j=1J are all within the cell of row m columnn, the number of features in this cell is J. We evaluate the relevance of each grid feature to eachtoken of navigation instruction by computing the relevance matrixA as:


where W1A and W2A are learnable parameters. After that, we compute the row-wisemax-pooling on A to evaluate the relevance of each grid feature to the instruction as:


At last, we aggregate the grid features within each cell into an embedding vector Et,m,n:


where WE are learnable parameters.To represent the spatial relations, we introduce positional information into our grid memory map. Specifically, between each cell center and agent,we denote the line distance as qtM and represent relativeheading angles as htM=(sinΦtM,cosΦtM).Then the map features can be obtained:


where WM are learnable parameters.

3.3.3 Navigation Trajectory Encoding

In order to implement global action planning, we further introducethe navigation trajectory into our GridMM. Asshown in Sec. 3.3.1, at time step t, the agent receives panoramic features 𝒪t of waypoint 𝒱t.Then we can obtain visual representation Avg(𝒪t)of the current waypoint by average pooling of 𝒪t.As the agent also partially observes candidate waypoints, we use theview image features 𝒩(𝒪t) that containsthese navigable waypoints as their visual representation. Between waypointsand current agent, we denote the line distances as q𝒯,the relative heading angles as ht𝒯=(sinΦt𝒯,cosΦt𝒯),and the action step embeddings as u𝒯. All historicalwaypoint features {Avg(𝒪i)}i=1t1, currentwaypoint feature Avg(𝒪t) and the candidate waypointfeatures 𝒩(𝒪t) form the navigation trajectory:


where W1𝒯 and W2𝒯 are learnable parameters, a special “stop” token 𝒯t,0 is added to 𝒯t for the stop action.

3.3.4 Cross-modal Reasoning

GridMM: Grid Memory Map for Vision-and-Language Navigation (4)

As illustrated in Fig. 2, we concatenate map features and navigation trajectory as [Mt;𝒯t], and then use a cross-modal transformer to fuse features from instruction 𝒲 and model space-timerelations, forming the features [Mt;𝒯t]. We specifically design a training loss HER (illustratedin Sec. 3.4) to supervise this module.

Subsequently, we use another cross-modal transformer with 4 layers tomodel vision-language relations and space-time relations. Specifically,each transformer layer consists of a cross-attention layer and a self-attentionlayer. For the cross-attention layer, we input panoramic observation and navigationtrajectory [𝒪t;𝒯t] as queries whichattend over encoded instruction tokens, navigation trajectory andmap features [𝒲;𝒯t;Mt]. And then, the self-attention layer takes encoded panoramic observation and navigationtrajectory as input for action reasoning, where the output is denoted as [𝒪t^;𝒯^t].

3.3.5 Action Prediction

We predict local navigation scores for the candidate views𝒩(𝒪^t) as below:


and predict global navigation scores for the candidate navigablewaypoints 𝒩(𝒯^t) as below:


where FFN denotes a two-layer feed-forward network.To be noted, St,0𝒪 and St,0𝒯 are the stop scores. Two separate FFNs areused to predict local action scores and global action scores, we gated fuse the scores following [14]:


where λt=sigmoid(FFN([𝒪^t,0;𝒯^t,0])).

As illustrated in Fig. 2, t is the set of extracted features, and trel is the projected features with relative coordinates. t,m,nrel is a subset of trel within a cell, and Mt is the obtained map features after aggregation. Meanwhile, the detailed architecture for action prediction is illustrated in Fig. 4. For loss functions, MLM and MVM are employed in the same ways as previous works [14] (which are omitted in Fig. 2 and Fig. 4). The SAP loss and HER loss are clearly described in Sec. 3.4. The candidate views are part of the agent’s current panoramic observation as candidates for local action prediction. But the candidate waypoints are candidate locations in the global grid map for global action prediction. We use “Dynamic Fusion” to gated fuse these two action scores following DUET [14].

3.4 Pre-training and Fine-tuning


We utilize four tasks to pre-train our model.

1) Masked language modeling (MLM). We randomly mask out the wordsof the instruction with a probability of 15% and then predict the maskedwords 𝒲masked.

2) Masked view modeling (MVM). We randomly mask out viewimages with a probability of 15% and predict the semantic labels of masked view images. Similar to [14], the targetlabels for view images are obtained by an image classification model [17] pre-trained on ImageNet.

3) Single-step action prediction (SAP). Given the ground truth action 𝒜t, the SAP loss is defined as follows:


4) Historical environment reasoning (HER). The HER requires the agent to predict the next action only based on the map features and navigation trajectory, without panoramic observations:


For fine-tuning, we follow existing works [14, 26] to use Dagger [49] training techniques. Different from the pre-training process which uses the demonstration path, the supervision of fine-tuningis from a pseudo-interactive demonstrator which selects a navigablewaypoint as the next target with the overall shortest distance fromthe current waypoint to the destination.

4 Experiment

4.1 Datasets and Evaluation Metrics

We evaluate our model on the REVERIE [42], R2R [4], SOON [65] datasets in discrete environments and R2R-CE [34] in continuous environments.

REVERIE contains high-level instructions which contain 21 words on average and the path length is between 4 and 7 steps. The predefined object bounding boxes are provided for each panorama, and the agent should select the correct object bounding box from candidates at the end of the navigation path.

R2R provides step-by-step instructions. The average length of instructions is 32 words and the average path length is 6 steps.

SOON also provides instructions that describe the target locations and target objects. The average length of instructions is 47 words, and the path length is between 2 and 21 steps. However, the object bounding boxes are not provided, the agent needs to predict the center location of the target object. Similar to the settings in [14], we use object detectors [2] to obtain candidate object boxes.

R2R-CE are collected based on thediscrete Matterport3D environments [7], but use the Habitat simulator [46] to navigate in the continuous environments.

There are several standard metrics [4, 42] inVLN for evaluating the agent’s performance, including Trajectory Length (TL), Navigation Error (NE), Success Rate(SR), SR given the Oracle stop policy (OSR), Normalized inverse of the Path Length (SPL), Remote Grounding Success (RGS), and RGS penalized by Path Length (RGSPL).

4.2 Implementation Details

We adopt the pre-trained CLIP-ViT-B/32 [45] to extract grid features Gt on all datasets. We use the ViT-B/16 [17] pre-trained on ImageNet to extract panoramic view features t on all datasets and extract object features on the REVERIE dataset as it provides bounding boxes. The BUTD object detector [2] is utilized on the SOON dataset to extract object bounding boxes. The number of layers for the language encoder, panorama encoder, map and trajectory encoder, and the cross-modal reasoning encoder are respectively set as 9, 2, 1, and 4 as shown in Fig. 2, all with a hidden size of 768. The parameters of all transformer layers are initialized with the pre-trained LXMERT [51].

4.3 Comparison to State-of-the-Art Methods

Table 1,2,3 compare our approach with the previous VLN methods on the REVERIE, R2R and SOON benchmarks. Table 4 compares our approach with the previous VLN-CE methods on the R2R-CE benchmark. Our approach achieves state-of-the-art performance on most metrics, demonstrating the effectiveness of the proposed approach. For the val unseen split of the REVERIE dataset in Table 1, our model outperforms the previous DUET [14] by 4.39% on SR and 2.74% on SPL. As shown in Table 2 and 3, it also shows performance gains on the R2R andSOON dataset compared to DUET. In particular, our approach significantly outperforms all previous methods on the R2R-CE dataset in Table 4, demonstrating the effectiveness of our GridMM for VLN-CE.

MethodsVal UnseenTest Unseen
VLNBERT [27]16.7835.0230.6724.9018.7715.2715.6832.9129.6123.9916.5013.51
AirBERT [21]18.7134.5127.8921.8818.2314.1817.9134.2030.2823.6116.8313.28
HOP [43]16.4636.2431.7826.1118.8515.7316.3833.0630.1724.3417.6914.34
HAMT [12]14.0836.8432.9530.2018.9217.2813.6233.4130.4026.6714.8813.08
TD-STP [64]-39.4834.8827.3221.1616.56-40.2635.8927.5119.8815.40
DUET [14]22.1151.0746.9833.7332.1523.0321.3056.9152.5136.0631.8822.06
BEVBert [1]-56.4051.7836.3734.7124.44-57.2652.8136.4132.0622.09
GridMM (Ours)23.2057.4851.3736.4734.5724.5619.9759.5553.1336.6034.8723.45
MethodsVal UnseenTest Unseen
VLNBERT [27]12.013.93635712.354.096357
AirBERT [21]11.784.01625612.414.136257
SEvol [9]12.263.99625713.404.136257
HOP [43]12.273.80645712.683.836459
HAMT [12]11.462.29666112.273.936560
TD-STP [64]-3.227063-3.736761
DUET [14]13.943.31726014.733.656959
BEVBert [1]14.552.81756415.873.137362
GridMM (Ours)13.272.83756414.433.357362
Val UnseenGBE [65]28.9628.5419.5213.341.16
DUET [14]36.2050.9136.2822.583.75
GridMM (Ours)38.9253.3937.4624.813.91
Test UnseenGBE [65]27.8821.4512.909.230.45
DUET [14]41.8343.0033.4421.424.17
GridMM (Ours)46.2048.0236.2721.254.15
MethodsVal SeenVal UnseenTest Unseen
VLN-CE [34]9.267.124637358.647.374032308.857.91362825
AG-CMTP [10]-6.6056.235.930.5-7.939.223.119.1-----
R2R-CMTP [10]-7.1045.436.131.2-7.938.026.422.7-----
WPN [32]8.545.485346437.626.314036348.026.65373230
LAW [47]9.346.354940378.896.83443531-----
CM2 [20]12.056.1050.742.934.811.547.0241.534.327.613.97.7393124
CM2-GT [20]12.604.8158.352.841.810.686.2341.337.030.6-----
WS-MGMap [11]10.125.6551.746.943.410.006.2847.638.934.312.307.11453528
Sim-2-Sim [33]11.184.6761524410.696.0752433611.436.17524437
ERG [57]11.85.046146429.966.20483935-----
CMA [26]11.475.2061514510.906.2052413611.856.30493833
VLNBERT [26]12.505.0259504412.235.7453443913.315.89514236
DUET (Ours) [14]12.624.1367574913.045.2658473913.135.82504236
GridMM (Ours)12.694.2169595113.365.1161494113.315.64564639
Mapping methodsTL↓NE↓OSR↑SR↑SPL↑
No Map14.615.6457.2445.1937.82
DUET (topological map)13.045.2657.9147.0238.86
Top-down semantic map13.785.3357.4646.3638.41
Map with object features13.155.3959.1247.6140.13
Our GridMM13.365.1160.9049.0540.99
Map scaleTL↓NE↓OSR↑SR↑SPL↑

4.4 Ablation Study

We compare the performance of different maps representing the visited environments on the val unseen split of the R2R-CE dataset.

1) Grid memory map vs. other maps.

As shown in Table 5, we compare the effects of three different maps on the R2R-CE dataset. For row 2, we followed the same model structure as [14]. For row 3, we take the top-down semantic map as a substitute for grid features. Specifically, we followed CM2 [20] to obtain an egocentric top-down semantic map, and use a convolution layer to extract semantic features in each cell instead of grid features. Row 4 uses a pre-trained object detection model VinVL [60] to detect multiple objects and extract their features as substitutes for grid features. More detailed experimental setups can be found in the supplementary materials.

In Table 5, all results with maps (rows 2-5) are better than the baseline method (row 1), which fully demonstrates the necessity of constructing maps representing the environments for VLN. Furthermore, our GridMM is better than DUET (topological map), as GridMM contains more fine-grained information. The method with a top-down semantic map (row 3) is beneficial to navigation, but it is still inferior to row 4, row 5, and even row 2 with the topological map. The reason is that map features extracted from the semantic map have a large gap with panoramic visual features. Results in Table 5 indicate that GridMM is superior to the topological and semantic maps.

2) Grid features vs. object features.

By comparing the results of row 4 and row 5 in Table 5, we can find out that the grid map using grid features works better than using object features. This is mainly because of the following reasons: (i) Object features from object detection model [60] are not enough to represent all visual information, such as house structure and background. (ii) Grid features from CLIP [45] have larger semantic space and better generalization ability. Different from previous methods [9] [57] of obtaining environment representation based on objects, grid features are of great importance for representing environments.

3) Is it necessary that map in an egocentric view?

As shown in Sec. 3.2 and Fig. 3, we discussed two coordinate systems for our grid memory map, i.e., absolute coordinates and dynamically relative coordinates. Row 2 in Table 6 shows the results of the absolute coordinate system, where the results are obtained by removing the process of coordinate transformation (i.e., depicted in Equation 3) but the side length Lt of the map increases with the expansion of the visited environment (i.e., depicted in Equation 4). For the settings in row 2, qtM and htM (i.e., depicted in Sec. 3.3.2) are replaced with the line distance and heading angle between each cell center and the start waypoint. The experimental results show that the egocentric relative coordinate system works better than the absolute coordinate system. It is mainly because maps with the absolute coordinate are not efficient enough to align the candidate observations and the instruction.

4) The effect of navigation trajectory information.

As illustrated in Table 6, row 3 is inferior to row 5. The results verify the necessity of navigation trajectory, which helps with instruction grounding. The hypothesis is that the navigation trajectory can provide information for grounding the next step to “cross in front of the refrigerator” or to “walk past the wood table and chairs on your right”, as illustrated in Fig. 1 (c).

5) The effect of instruction relevance aggregation method.

As shown in Table 6, row 5 with instruction relevance aggregation has better performance than row 4. Row 4 simply aggregates features in each map cell via average pooling, which makes it difficult to dig out critical visual cues. Our aggregation method evaluates the relevance of each grid feature to navigation instruction and uses the attention mechanism to filter out irrelevant features and capture critical clues.

6) The effect of map scale.

As shown in Table 7, we evaluatethe scale of our GridMM. We observe an upward trend in navigation performance as the map scale increases. This is mainly because a map with a larger scale can accommodate more environmental details and represent spatial relations more precisely. However, increasing the map scale leads to heavy computational cost but the gains are slight. So we choose a relatively balanced scale (i.e., 14×14).

4.5 Statistical Analyses

The side length of the GridMM.

GridMM: Grid Memory Map for Vision-and-Language Navigation (5)

GridMM: Grid Memory Map for Vision-and-Language Navigation (6)

As illustrated in Fig. 5, the side length of GridMM increases with the expansion of the visited environment. For all datasets, the side length gradually increases from about 10 meters to about 20 meters during navigation. Obviously, the fixed-size map is difficult to adapt to the visited environment that constantly expands, thus our GridMM with a dynamically relative coordinate system works better. Compared with other datasets, R2R has a larger map size at the end of navigation. It shows that the agent can explore new unvisited environments more on the R2R dataset.

The number of grid features within each cell region.

As illustrated in Fig. 6, the maximum number of grid features within a cell region exceeds 600 at the end of navigation on all datasets. A large numberof grid features within a cell region contain noise and are redundant. The average pooling of so many features is not efficient enough, resulting in critical cues being overwhelmed by noise. In contrast, the instruction relevance aggregation method works better than the average pooling, which filters out irrelevant features and captures critical clues.

5 Conclusion

In this paper, we propose a top-down egocentric and dynamically growing Grid Memory Map (i.e., GridMM) to structure the visited environment for VLN. Moreover, an instruction relevance aggregation module is proposed to capture fine-grained visual clues relevant to instructions. We comprehensively analyze the effectiveness of our model and compare it with other methods. Our GridMM provides both global space-time perception and local detailed clues, thus enabling more accurate navigation results. However, there are still some limitations to our approach, regarding how to handle multi-floor environments remains open. In the future, we will continuously explore how to better represent the indoor environment for VLN and Embodied AI.


This work was supported in part bythe National Natural Science Foundation of China underGrants 62125207, 62102400, 62272436, and U1936203, in part by the National Postdoctoral Programfor Innovative Talents under Grant BX20200338.


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Appendix A Datasets

We evaluate our approach in discrete environments (e.g., R2R [4], REVERIE [42], and SOON [65]), and further analyze many characteristics of our approach in continuous environments (e.g., R2R-CE [34] and RxR-CE [35]).

All the benchmarks in discrete environments build upon the Matterport3D environment [7] and contain 90 photo-realistic houses. Each house contains a set of navigable locations, and each location is represented by the corresponding panorama image and GPS coordinates. We adopt the standard split of houses into training, val seen, val unseen, and test splits. Houses in the val seen split are the same as in training, while houses in val unseen and test splits are different from training. All splits in discrete environments are consistent with Chen et al. [14].

R2R-CE [34] transfers the discrete paths in R2R dataset to continuous trajectories on the Habitat simulator [50]. RxR-CE [35] transfers the discrete paths in RxR dataset to continuous trajectorieson the Habitat simulator [50].

Appendix B Performance in RxR-CE

VLN-CE [34]7.3312.113.9311.9630.8611.01
CMA [26]20.0410.424.0819.0737.3918.65
VLNBERT [26]20.0910.424.8519.6137.3019.05
DUET [14](Ours)21.489.7829.9323.1242.4625.39
GridMM (Ours)21.138.4236.2630.1448.1733.65

As shown in Table 8, our GridMM achieves competitive results on longer trajectory navigation such as RxR-CE.

Appendix C Experimental Details

C.1 Training Details

For the REVERIE dataset, we combine the original dataset with augmented data synthesized by DUET [14] to pre-train our model with a batch size of 32 and a learning rate of 5e-5 for 100k iterations, using 3 NVIDIA RTX3090 GPUs. Then we fine-tune it with the batch size of 4 and a learning rate of 1e-5 for 50k iterations on 3 GPUs.

For the SOON dataset, we only use the original data with automatically cleaned object bounding boxes, sharing the same settings with DUET [14]. We pre-train the model with a batch size of 16 and a learning rate of 5e-5 for 40k iterations using 3 GPUs, and then fine-tune it with a batch size of 2 and a learning rate of 5e-5 for 20k iterations on 3 GPUs.

For the R2R dataset, additional augmented data in [23] is used for pre-training following DUET [14]. Using 3 GPUs, we pre-train our model with a batch size of 32 and a learning rate of 5e-5 for 100k iterations. Then we fine-tune it with the batch size of 4 and a learning rate of 1e-5 for 50k iterations on 3 GPUs.

For the R2R-CE dataset, we transfer the model pre-trained on the R2R dataset to continuous environments, and fine-tune it with a batch size of 8 and a learning rate of 1e-5 for 30 epochs using 3 RTX3090 GPUs.

For all the datasets, the best model is selected by SPL on the val unseen split.

C.2 Ablation Details

Top-down semantic map.

For row 3 in Table 5, we follow CM2 [20] to obtain a 448×448 top-down semantic map. Specifically, we use a pre-trained UNet [48] from CM2 [20] to produce semantic segmentation of observation images, and then project pixels into a unified top-down semantic map. After dividing the top-down semantic map into multiple patches with a scale of 32×32, a convolution layer is used to encode these patches into embeddings with a hidden size of 768. We take these semantic embeddings as the map features.

Map with object features.

For row 4 in Table 5, a pre-trained detection model VinVL [60] is utilized to detect multiple objects in each view image, and then we take 10 object features with the highest confidence score as substitutes for grid features. For the coordinate of each object, it is obtained via the center point of the bounding box.

Appendix D Analysis of Computational Cost

Referring to [16], we describe how we calculate the number of Floating-point Operations (FLOPs) in VLN models as follows:

1) Matrix multiplication (Am×k×Bk×n):

2mkn FLOPs

2) 2-layer MLP (sequence length s, increase the hidden size to 4h and then reduces it back to h):

16sh2 FLOPs

3) Self-attantion block (sequence length s, hidden size h):

4s2h+8sh2 FLOPs

4) Cross-attantion block (query sequence length s, key and value sequence length t, hidden size h):

4sh2+4th2+4sth FLOPs

GridMM: Grid Memory Map for Vision-and-Language Navigation (7)
GridMM: Grid Memory Map for Vision-and-Language Navigation (8)

We calculate GFLOPs (Giga Floating-point Operations) on the R2R dataset, as illustrated in Fig. 7 and Fig. 8. “GridMM w/o cache” denotes that our GridMM updates each cell of the grid map in all navigation steps without any cache. By using the cache (which stores previous results for later use), the computational cost is significantly reduced. For the same grid features in all navigation steps, during updating the cells of the grid map, we only need to recompute thepositions of grid features, without recomputing their relevance value in the relevance matrix with the instruction. The reason is that, for Equations (6) and (9), the outputs of g^t,jW1A (where g^t,j is a part of t,m,nrel), 𝒲W2A and WEg^t,j in all navigation steps is the same and can be cached for reuse. GFLOPs of “GridMM w/ cache” are significantly lower than that of BEVBert [1].During attention computation, the number of metric map features in BEVBert exceeds 400, introducing a huge computational cost. However, the number of map features in GridMM is less than 200 and they are only used as key and value tokens in cross-attention computation, which greatly reduces the computational cost.

GridMM: Grid Memory Map for Vision-and-Language Navigation (2024)
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