Discover the remarkable side of the Netherlands: unique destinations and hidden gems | (2024)

Discover the remarkable side of the Netherlands: unique destinations and hidden gems | (1)

A small country that’s big on culture and nature

The Netherlands: fiercely independent, open-minded and full of pleasant surprises. Visit our amazing country and discover all the wonderful things it has to offer. Admire the groundbreaking architecture in our green cities, follow in the footsteps of the Dutch Masters or unwind in one of our many beautiful nature reserves. You’re cordially invited to immerse yourself in Dutch culture and truly feel like a local.


Discover the remarkable side of the Netherlands: unique destinations and hidden gems | (2)


Cycling Lifestyle – How the Dutch spend their lives on bikes

Everyone cycles in the Netherlands – everywhere and all the time. Read our special cycling stories, meet cycling pioneers, and hop on a bike yourself to experience the Netherlands like a local.

Discover the remarkable side of the Netherlands: unique destinations and hidden gems | (3)


Celebrate freedom in the Netherlands

Delve into the story of 80 years of Dutch freedom - from commemoration to celebration.

Discover the remarkable side of the Netherlands: unique destinations and hidden gems | (4)


Vincent van Gogh: shaped by the Dutch countryside

Explore the beautiful Dutch landscape that led Vincent van Gogh to become one of the greatest painters of all time. Follow in his footsteps and experience the natural beauty of Brabant and Drenthe.

Wander around our national parks

Discover the remarkable side of the Netherlands: unique destinations and hidden gems | (5)

Explore the Dutch national parks

With so many national parks, the Netherlands has something for everyone. Here are our top tips.

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Like a local

Explore our cities like a true local

Explore our cities like a true local

Discover the remarkable side of the Netherlands: unique destinations and hidden gems | (6)

© Ruben van Vliet


A European Capital of Culture

The small city in the north that packs a big cultural punch.

More information about Leeuwarden

Discover the remarkable side of the Netherlands: unique destinations and hidden gems | (7)

© Citymarketing Amersfoort


A forward-looking medieval city

With its medieval city centre, Amersfoort is quite photogenic. Stroll the picturesque streets, enjoy great food at unique restaurants, shop till you drop or go on a cultural treasure hunt.

More information about Amersfoort

Discover the remarkable side of the Netherlands: unique destinations and hidden gems | (8)

© Iris van den Broek


The most original city in the Netherlands

Rotterdam is a dynamic city with its own unique character. Find out why the city is well worth a visit.

More information about Rotterdam

Discover the remarkable side of the Netherlands: unique destinations and hidden gems | (9)

© Richard Terborg


State-of-the-art architecture in our youngest city

The newest city in the Netherlands might just surprise you with all it has to offer. ‘Ally’ is an open-air museum of modern architecture.

Amazing Almere

Discover the remarkable side of the Netherlands: unique destinations and hidden gems | (10)

© Deon Prins via Marketing Groningen


An old city that is young at heart

The beautiful city of Groningen brings young and old together and has something to offer for everyone.

More information about Groningen


Let’s go outside!

Let’s go outside!

The Netherlands will be more colourful than ever in the coming months! Experience our thriving nature, get a breath of fresh air by the peaceful Wadden Sea or experience groundbreaking architecture in our vibrant cities. Wherever we may host you this spring, we will make sure you always feel welcome.

Discover the remarkable side of the Netherlands: unique destinations and hidden gems | (11)

© Olivier Groot - Hexashots

Discover the remarkable side of the Netherlands: unique destinations and hidden gems | (12)


Things to do in spring

Discover the remarkable side of the Netherlands: unique destinations and hidden gems | (13)


Wadden: Every island is unique




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The Netherlands in 7 stories

The Netherlands in 7 stories

Discover the remarkable side of the Netherlands: unique destinations and hidden gems | (14)

Dutch Masters

Discover the remarkable side of the Netherlands: unique destinations and hidden gems | (15)

Dutch heritage

Discover the remarkable side of the Netherlands: unique destinations and hidden gems | (16)

Water in the Netherlands

Discover the remarkable side of the Netherlands: unique destinations and hidden gems | (17)

Nature in the Netherlands

Discover the remarkable side of the Netherlands: unique destinations and hidden gems | (18)

Cycling in the Netherlands

Discover the remarkable side of the Netherlands: unique destinations and hidden gems | (19)

New Dutch

Discover the remarkable side of the Netherlands: unique destinations and hidden gems | (20)

Blooming Netherlands


Travel sustainably

Travel sustainably

Discover the remarkable side of the Netherlands: unique destinations and hidden gems | (21)

© NS

Did you know:The train is a great way to explore the Netherlands. You’ll be guaranteed to have the wind at your back!Read more

Travelling to the Netherlands

Although the Netherlands is a small country, its international connections are great, with several sustainable ways to find your way to our country. We have listed all the options for you so you can decide which mode of transport suits you best.

Transport in the Netherlands

If you come to the Netherlands, there is one thing you can be sure of and that is excellent public transport. Because whether you set off by train, bus, tram or metro, you can get around the whole country in a sustainable and pleasant way. Check out all the available options here.

Practical tips

How do you pack your suitcase as sustainably as possible? How does contactless payment work in the Netherlands? And how do you go about checking in on public transport? You will find the answers to these questions (and many more!) in this overview of practical tips for your holiday to the Netherlands.

How to enjoy a sustainable holiday in the Netherlands!

During your trip, you naturally want to experience all kinds of special things. But how do you keep your carbon emissions limited at the same time? At least these stories make one thing clear: responsible travelling certainly doesn't have to go at the expense of having fun. On the contrary!

Discover the remarkable side of the Netherlands: unique destinations and hidden gems | (2024)
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Author: Virgilio Hermann JD

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Author information

Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

Birthday: 1997-12-21

Address: 6946 Schoen Cove, Sipesshire, MO 55944

Phone: +3763365785260

Job: Accounting Engineer

Hobby: Web surfing, Rafting, Dowsing, Stand-up comedy, Ghost hunting, Swimming, Amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.