Curb Your Carb Cravings With These 14 Homemade Bread Recipes (2024)

Few things make your mouth water quite like the aroma of a homemade banana bread recipe or a hearty yeast bread recipe wafting through your home. A freshly-baked loaf completes a meal and brings the family together. These bread recipes offer a flavor for every palate and a recipe for every occasion.

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Everyday Artisan Bread

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Curb Your Carb Cravings With These 14 Homemade Bread Recipes (1)

We're not kidding when we call this classic homemade bread recipe "everyday." It calls for just 15 minutes of prep time to create three 1-pound loaves, and they can be customized with your choice of add-ons. Bacon, cheese, pepperoni, toasted nuts—you can't go wrong. Savor a different slice for each meal of the day with just one batch of this easy bread recipe.

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No-Knead Skillet Focaccia

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Curb Your Carb Cravings With These 14 Homemade Bread Recipes (2)

Bust out your cast-iron skillet, because it's the key tool for a lightly-crisp exterior and chewy, airy interior in this easy-prep focaccia bread recipe. Garnish with your favorite Mediterranean-inspired toppings to complement the Italian loaf (we're fond of olives, rosemary, garlic, and roasted red pepper).

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Whole Grain Sunflower Bread

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Curb Your Carb Cravings With These 14 Homemade Bread Recipes (3)

This isn't your standard pillowy, play-second-fiddle-to-the-fillings sandwich bread. Try this bold no-yeast bread recipe when you're in the mood for something hearty and filling. Whole wheat flour, flax, and bulk up the texture and add fiber and protein to your meal.

Our Best Whole Grain Recipes

Chocolate-Zucchini Bread

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Curb Your Carb Cravings With These 14 Homemade Bread Recipes (4)

No need to wait until dessert for a healthy dose of cocoa! Two rounds of dark chocolate (one on top and one in the dough) will have guests begging for this zucchini bread recipe at brunch or snack time. Vanilla and cinnamon boost the sweetness of the batter.

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Banana Bread

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Curb Your Carb Cravings With These 14 Homemade Bread Recipes (5)

Who can resist the deliciousness of a banana bread recipe? Whether you need to use up overripe bananas or want a wholesome snack or side, banana bread is the time-honored favorite. Our recipe features a sweet streusel topping for a little satisfying crunch.

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Lemon-Poppy Seed Quick Bread

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Curb Your Carb Cravings With These 14 Homemade Bread Recipes (6)

Why mess with a classic? Our lemon-poppy seed quick bread recipe is the luscious, lemony snack to round out your brunch menu. In case you want to mix things up, we created tangerine, cardamom, and green tea variations.

20 Sweet-Tart Citrus and Lemon Desserts

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Apple-Bourbon Monkey Bread

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Traditional biscuit-based, brown sugary Monkey bread recipes are good, but you know what's even better? Monkey bread that's spiked with bourbon (yes, please!) and diced apples. This brunch-friendly apple bread recipe is ideal when you're not in the mood to bake bread from scratch but are still seeking a rich, bakery-quality treat.

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French Bread

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Curb Your Carb Cravings With These 14 Homemade Bread Recipes (8)

Once you discover how doable (and delicious) it is to make your own baguettes, you'll never grab one at the supermarket again. If you're a first-time bread-maker, this simple French bread recipe is a smart place to start. The soft middle and perfectly-crisp crust you'll achieve with the help of just five ingredients will convince guests you're an expert baker.

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Easy Everyday Bread

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Curb Your Carb Cravings With These 14 Homemade Bread Recipes (9)

How can something so easy taste so incredible? We'll never have an answer for that, but for a tasty homemade white bread recipe far better than the sliced loaves on supermarket shelves, this fan favorite has you covered. Everyone will love the soft consistency, and it's swoon-worthy with a dab of butter.

Your Complete Guide to Making Bread Dough From Scratch

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Gluten-Free White Bread

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Curb Your Carb Cravings With These 14 Homemade Bread Recipes (10)

Here's proof that gluten-free bread recipes can be as tender as their wheat-filled counterparts. Our gluten-free flour mix (featuring white rice flour, potato starch, sorghum flour, and xanthan gum) makes all the difference. That, plus oats, a couple of eggs, and yeast, make this homemade bread recipe one folks going gluten-free will turn to again and again.

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Slow Cooker Beer Bread

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Curb Your Carb Cravings With These 14 Homemade Bread Recipes (11)

Crack open a cold one. (Actually, make that two, so there's one for the cook to sip on while preparing this beer bread recipe!) A bottle of fizzy ale or lager lightens the texture of this part-whole-wheat loaf, so no yeast is required. After you master the basic beer bread, up the ante with our caraway-rye, white cheddar-mustard, or honey thyme variations.

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Pita Flatbread

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Curb Your Carb Cravings With These 14 Homemade Bread Recipes (12)

From falafel to gyro meat to roasted veggies, nearly every savory sandwich filling tastes better when tucked inside this pita bread recipe. If you have flour, yeast, olive oil, and salt tucked away in your pantry, you have everything you need to mix, knead, and bake the bubbly flatbreads. For Indian naan, trade six tablespoons of plain yogurt for an equal amount of water called for in the pita bread recipe.

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No-Knead Honey Bread

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Curb Your Carb Cravings With These 14 Homemade Bread Recipes (13)

We can't stop buzzing about this honey-scented loaf. The no-knead bread recipe includes two tablespoons of the liquid gold, which makes each crumb just sweet enough while remaining perfectly savory for sandwiches! Add sage sprigs before baking for a showy, garden-fresh garnish.

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Currant-Orange Irish Soda Bread

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Curb Your Carb Cravings With These 14 Homemade Bread Recipes (14)

This Irish soda bread recipe is just as tasty during the other 364 days of the year as it is on St. Patrick's Day! With currants for sweetness and orange peel for tang, this buttermilk bread disappears faster than most other carbs in our kitchens. For the epitome of Gaelic goodness, slather your slice with a big pat of Irish butter.

Curb Your Carb Cravings With These 14 Homemade Bread Recipes (2024)
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Name: Pres. Carey Rath

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Introduction: My name is Pres. Carey Rath, I am a faithful, funny, vast, joyous, lively, brave, glamorous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.