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BSF Study Questions John’s Gospel: The Truth Lesson 26, Day 2: John 19:31-33 Summary of John 19:31-33 BSF Study Questions John’s Gospel: The Truth Lesson 26, Day 2: John 19:31-33 Conclusions BSF Study Questions John’s Gospel: The Truth Lesson 26, Day 2: John 19:31-33 End Notes BSF Study Questions John’s Gospel: The Truth Lesson 26, Day 2: John 19:31-33 Best Easter Gifts BSF Study Questions People of the Promise: Kingdom Divided Lesson 26, Day 2: Select Passages From Jeremiah 2-29 BSF Study Questions People of the Promise: Kingdom Divided Lesson 26, Day 2: Select Passages From Jeremiah 2-29 Conclusions BSF Study Questions People of the Promise: Kingdom Divided Lesson 26, Day 2: Select Passages From Jeremiah 2-29 End Notes BSF Study Questions People of the Promise: Kingdom Divided Lesson 26, Day 2: Select Passages From Jeremiah 2-29 Jeremiah 18:1-11 Cool Easter Gifts for Kids BSF Study Questions Matthew Lesson 26, Day 2: Matthew 26:1-16 SUMMARY OF MATTHEW 26:1-16 BSF Study Questions Matthew Lesson 26, Day 2: Matthew 26:1-16 Conclusions BSF Study Questions Matthew Lesson 26, Day 2: Matthew 26:1-16 End Notes BSF Study Questions Matthew Lesson 26, Day 2: Matthew 26:1-16 The Anointing of Jesus Judas’ Betrayal BSF Study Questions Genesis: Lesson 26, Day 2: Genesis 43:1-14 Summary of Genesis 43:1-14: BSF Study Questions Genesis: Lesson 26, Day 2: Genesis 43:1-14 Conclusions BSF Study Questions Genesis: Lesson 26, Day 2: Genesis 43:1-14 End Notes BSF Study Questions Genesis: Lesson 26, Day 2: Genesis 43:1-14 BSF Study Questions Genesis Lesson 26, Day 2: Genesis 37:1-11

BSF Study Questions John’s Gospel: The Truth Lesson 26, Day 2: John 19:31-33

February 26, 2024February 23, 2024 by atozmom, posted in BSF John's Gospel: The Truth 2023/2024

Summary of John 19:31-33

The Jewish leaders wanted the bodies removed for the Sabbath, so the soldiers broke the legs of the other two, but not Jesus’s because he was already dead.

BSF Study Questions John’s Gospel: The Truth Lesson 26, Day 2: John 19:31-33

3) If a body is left hanging, it would put the people hanging under God’s curse and desecrate the land.

4a) It’s pointless, really. They illegally crucified Jesus with a false trial and charges, so why follow the law now when they already broke the law?

b) To not be a hypocrite.

5) That he willingly died for my sins for me.

Conclusions BSF Study Questions John’s Gospel: The Truth Lesson 26, Day 2: John 19:31-33

Great lesson on obeying all of God’s laws, not just the ones you choose to obey.

End Notes BSF Study Questions John’s Gospel: The Truth Lesson 26, Day 2: John 19:31-33

The priests wanted the bodies removed to avoid polluting themselves and Passover. Normally, Rome let the bodies hang as a warning to others to not break the laws.

Breaking the legs would hasten the death of people because they would not be able to support themselves on the cross and would not be able to breathe.

This was even more torture of men already being tortured — having your legs broken.

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BSF Study Questions People of the Promise: Kingdom Divided Lesson 26, Day 2: Select Passages From Jeremiah 2-29

February 27, 2023February 25, 2023 by atozmom, posted in BSF People of the Promise: Kingdom Divided 2022/2023

BSF Study Questions People of the Promise: Kingdom Divided Lesson 26, Day 2: Select Passages From Jeremiah 2-29


Jeremiah 2:23-25; 3:13: Idol worphip, adultery, disobeyed God.

Jeremiah 5:13, 30-31, 23:10b-11: Prophets preach falsehoods and rule by their own authority rather than God’s. The prophets use their power unjustly. They are wicked and godless.

Jeremiah 5:26-28; 7:5-11: People have become deceitful, commit evil deeds, do not seek justice, do not promote the case of the fatherless, and they do not defend the poor. They shed innocent blood. They follow other gods. The people stealand murder,commit adulteryand perjury,[a] burn incense to Baal and follow other gods you have not known. They are a den of robbers.

b) To acknowledge their guilt before the Lord so that they can receive forgiveness. And, to understand their sins so that they can work to correct them and not continue to make them.

c) I think He has helped me to become more aware of patterns in my sins and worked to help me correct them.

4a) Jeremiah was in pain and anguish over the people’s sins. He longs for them to repent. He feels crushed. He mourns over them. Horror grips him. He weeps day and night over their sins. Their sins overwhelm him.

b) They can stick to what the Bible says about sin and judgment and not put their own spin on things. Christians should not judge others based on their sins, either.

5) The Lord yearns to forgive His people if they just turn to Him. He does not want to punish, but does so to teach them a lesson. He loves deeply and will do anything for His people if they simply obey Him.

Conclusions BSF Study Questions People of the Promise: Kingdom Divided Lesson 26, Day 2: Select Passages From Jeremiah 2-29

There is something about the analogy of me being like clay in God’s hands that I love. He molds me; He’s in control; He can change me.

End Notes BSF Study Questions People of the Promise: Kingdom Divided Lesson 26, Day 2: Select Passages From Jeremiah 2-29

In total, there are 14 messages Jeremiah delivers to the people of the coming judgment.

Idolatry was the main sin, along with Israel’s leaders who failed to lead and were corrupt themselves.

God always offers a chance to come back to Him.

Jeremiah 18:1-11

God can do what He pleases with us at any moment in time. He can show mercy or show judgment.

God responds to our choices.

God’s people believed no harm could come to them because they were God’s people. They wanted to believe the happy prophecies of the false prophets. God points out here this is not so.

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BSF Study Questions Matthew Lesson 26, Day 2: Matthew 26:1-16

February 21, 2022February 18, 2022 by atozmom, posted in BSF Matthew 2021/2022


Jesus tells his disciples he will be handed over to be crucified in two days. The chief priests and the elders assembled at the palace of the high priest named Caiaphas to plot to arrest Jesus and kill him. But they didn’t want to do it during the Feast.

A woman anointed Jesus at Bethany in the home of Simon the Leper. She poured very expensive perfume on his head. The disciples upbraided the woman, saying they could have sold the perfume for a high price and given the money to the poor. Jesus chastized the disciples, saying he will not always be with them. She is preparing him for burial. She will be remembered for what she has done.

Judas Iscariot went to the chief priests to ask how much they would give him to betray Jesus. They said 30 silver coins. He agreed to do so when the opportunity rose.

BSF Study Questions Matthew Lesson 26, Day 2: Matthew 26:1-16

3) In many ways. She gave Jesus her most precious possession freely. The woman sacrificed a lot to do so. She did so herself as a woman. She endured scorn by the disciples to do so. It is very inspiring to remember to give Jesus my best, too.

4a) They did not see the heart of the woman; all they saw was monetary value, not eternal value.

b) Jesus saw the woman’s heart, her love, and her intentions. He made sure she would be remembered forever for what she did.

c) Unsure. Sometimes I think nothing at all.

5) 30 silver coins. Exodus 21:32 says that 20 skekles of silver is to paid for the life of a slave who had been killed by another’s bull (or at the fault of another). The bull would be put to death. Zechariah 11:12-13 says the pay of a shepherd was 30 pieces of silver, as well as the pay for the potter. Jesus lowers himself to what a slave is worth. Zechariah the prophet foretold this moment, so 30 pieces of silver fulfills prophecy.

Conclusions BSF Study Questions Matthew Lesson 26, Day 2: Matthew 26:1-16

Great, great lesson. Love how we see the love for Jesus with the most precious possession, adjacent to the intense hatred of him and the wish for his death.

Great read!

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End Notes BSF Study Questions Matthew Lesson 26, Day 2: Matthew 26:1-16

Jesus is done instructing. He now will focus on finishing his work on Earth.

This is the fourth and last time Jesus announces his own death that is recorded in the book of Matthew.

The high priest was appointed for life. Caiapas ruled until his death in A.D. 36

While the high priests did not want to kill Jesus during Passover, God had other plans. God was in control, and He would save humanity on His own time.

The Anointing of Jesus

John (John 12) tells us that this woman was Mary, the sister of Lazarus and Martha.(Luke 10:39),

If you read all of the Bible passages for this event, the majority of Bible scholars believe that Matthew, Mark, and John record this event, while Luke records a separate event.

This is the only time Simon the leper is mentioned in the Bible. Many Bible scholars believe Jesus healed him since a leper was considered unclean and could not host others in their home.

We are told by John that the disciple who criticized was Judas (no shock since he seems to have money on the mind). (John 12:4-6). Mark 14:5 tells us that the perfume was worth a year’s wages.

The woman did a good work for Jesus. She gave her most prized possession, as should we. Jesus was comforted in these heavy hours.

Nothing is wasted for Jesus. Nothing is too good for Jesus.

No doubt the woman probably did not know the significance of her unbridled gift to Jesus. The same holds true for us. The smallest act done in Jesus’s name can make all the difference in others’ lives.

Judas’ Betrayal

Some Bible scholars believe that because Judas’s betrayal is recorded directly after this “waste” that Judas saw, he then made up his mind to betray Jesus.

Judas’ only clear motive in betraying Christ is greed. Bible scholars have debated for centuries what motivated this betrayal, from disillusionment of who Jesus was to he was a Judean. It’s clear that this simple motive was enough.

30 pieces of silver is only worth about $25 in today’s money — not a lot of money to betray someone who you’ve followed for the last two years. This shows Judas never cared for Jesus. He rejected repentance, and he would pay the ultimate price.

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BSF Study Questions Genesis: Lesson 26, Day 2: Genesis 43:1-14

February 22, 2021February 21, 2021 by atozmom, posted in BSF Genesis 2020/2021

Summary of Genesis 43:1-14:

Israel/Jacob and all of their family ate all of the grain that the brothers had brought back from Egypt. When they ran out, Israel told them to get more, at first without Benjamin. He blamed them for telling “the man” (aka Joseph) that they had another brother. The brothers told him they were simply telling the truth when asked, nothing more. How were they to know the man would demand to see Benjamin?

Judah said the man would not give them any more grain without Benjamin. Reluctantly, faced with the starvation of his family, Israel agreed to let them take Benjamin. He also sent twice the amount of silver to pay for the first grain, and he sent other, local gifts as well. Finally, Israel put Benjamin’s fate in the hands of God.

BSF Study Questions Genesis: Lesson 26, Day 2: Genesis 43:1-14

3) Because he did not want to send Benjamin and risk losing him.

4) Judah told Jacob that the man would not see them (sell them grain) if they came back without Benjamin. Judah also said that he would be responsible for Benjamin and bear the blame if he came back without him. He said that if they didn’t go, everyone would starve.

5a) “Put some of the best products of the land in your bags and take them down to the man as a gift — a little balm and a little honey, some spices and myrrh, some pisttachio nuts and almonds. Take double the amount of silver with you, for you must return the silver that was put back into the mouths of your sacks. Perhaps it was a mistake. Take your brother also and go back to the man at once. And may God Almighty grant you mercy before the man so that he will let your other brother and Benajmin come back wih you.”

b) God is in control. He grants mercy. He will let the man let Benjamin return to him.

c) Jacob has finally put his faith in God for the outcome of Benjamin. After all, Benjamin is God’s, not Jacob’s. He is resigned and accepting of what will happen.

6) Just putting my faith in God that my husband’s new ventures will be fruitful and profitable and that we will make it through.

Conclusions BSF Study Questions Genesis: Lesson 26, Day 2: Genesis 43:1-14

Love how we see Jacob come full circle. I also love how it’s Jacob’s kids that are the voice of reason, ensuring they don’t die because of their father’s fears.

End Notes BSF Study Questions Genesis: Lesson 26, Day 2: Genesis 43:1-14

Jacob’s hand is forced to go back to Egypt for food. Perhaps he hoped he could forget about the whole thing and leave Simeon in jail. However, as the famine wore on, they needed food, and Egypt was the only place to get it. I’m wondering what Joseph is thinking all this time. It was quite some time since the brothers left. I’m wondering if Joseph felt sorry for Simeon in jail like he was for no fault of his own. The waiting and the procrastination of Jacob must have been hard on everyone involved. Yet, God’s plan would prevail.

Bible scholars are unsure of the age of Benjamin here. Some Bible translations refer to Benjamin as a lad. Yet, he is probably older, maybe even with a family of his own at this time (Genesis 46:21).

Judah offers to be responsible for Benjamin’s return. Perhaps he feels guilty since he was the one to propose the sale of Joseph (Genesis 37:26-27) and to treat Tamar horribly (Genesis 38).

Judah is the 4th son of Jacob, but emerges the leader here. Simeon and Levi were responsible for hte murder of the Shechemites. Reuben had slept with Bilhah, his father’s wife. Judah takes the lead here.

Jacob is giving gifts to Joseph in the hopes of winning his favor, like with Esau in Genesis 33:10-11) He orders them to take twice the amount of silver to pay for what they owe and to purchase more grain. Bible scholars say this is equivalent to 20 pieces of silver they sold for Joseph.(Genesis 37:28).

Some Bible scholars say Jacob’s prayer is not showing enough faith. To me, even a little faith is better than none at all.

BSF Study Questions Genesis Lesson 26, Day 2: Genesis 37:1-11

March 18, 2013 by atozmom, posted in BSF Genesis 2012/2013

YEAH, JOSEPH!!!!!!!! MY FAVORITE!!!!!!!!

Summary of passage: Joseph at age 17 attended the flocks with his brothers and wives. It seemed he tattled on them quite frequently. Joseph as Rachel’s first-born son was Jacob’s favorite and everyone knew it. Jacob gave him a richly ornamented robe. The brothers hated him for his father’s favoritism.

Joseph made the mistake of telling his brothers the dream he had of how they were all sheaves of grain and they bowed down to him (which as we know comes true in Genesis 42:6). This only enraged his brothers more against him.

Not learning his lesson, Joseph tells his brothers another dream he has where the sun, moon, and 11 stars were bowing down to him (Genesis 40:41, 43). This is NOT endearing him at all.

Joseph told his father this dream as well and Jacob rebuked the arrogant Joseph out of disbelief but Jacob it seems wondered about it.


3a) As God walked with Abraham and decided to reveal his intentions for Sodom to Abraham (Genesis 18:17-21), we learn God revealed to him because he was the chosen one. So too was Joseph. He was chosen to save his people from a famine and to accomplish this he gave Joseph the gift of dream interpretation for the Pharaoh. He was preparing Joseph to trust his dreams and to interpret them in order to fulfill God’s purpose on earth and for His people.

A simple answer is because God wanted to. He chose Joseph and this was the method He would communicate with him.

b) No. Very bad idea. It only incited their hatred against him.

c) Personal Question. My answer: Sometimes it’s best to keep things to yourself. We must remember though Joseph is only 17 here. He is spoiled, naive, and probably a bit arrogant (hubris of the youth). He truly doesn’t know any better. I think he was just retelling his dream and wondering out loud what it meant. It was his audience he should have chosen better.

It’s the old adage “If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say it at all.” We must be considerate of others’ feelings when speaking due to the power of our tongue. Here, it’s all about Joseph.

The Matthew verse says to not give what is sacred or valued to those who will just crush it and use it against you. This is what Joseph did and it was definitely used against him.

4) For a reason not in Joseph’s control: They hated him because he was the favorite of their father, Jacob, so he was showered with gifts, treated special, and could do no wrong in Jacob’s eyes. Jacob was probably lax on the rules with Joseph and probably let Joseph do less work than the others. Their hatred should have been towards their father (the brothers were wrong to hate at all. That is the devil at work. What I’m saying is since they had hatred in their hearts it should have been towards their father, not Joseph. It wasn’t his fault his mother was Rachel and Jacob treated him as such).

Conclusions: Another example of how playing favorites in a family can lead to hurt feelings, pent up frustrations, and ultimately to horrible acts against family members. It seems to be a dysfunctional cycle that is being passed down through the generations in this family.

Interesting to note what an age-old problem this is. We, as humans, still do this today and often with the same disastrous results. It is another sin, another human condition, we must consciously fight against in this world.

Joseph’s fabled coat-of-many-colors signifies that he is to receive the birthright. Can you imagine how Reuben, the firstborn who is supposed to receive the birthright, felt? Ironically, it is Reuben who saves Joseph from death (Genesis 37:21-22). And God’s plan is now set in motion.

Note the sheaves of wheat in the first dream of Joseph. His brothers will bow down to him, asking for wheat. Nothing is insignificant when done by God.

Telling his family his dreams was definitely in a lack of taste and in poor judgement. I believe these dreams were meant only for Joseph so he would know his fate. Instead, he blabbed in human pride and arrogance. But like I said, he is young. He will learn.

End Notes: This section of Genesis is not in chronological order. Notice how Jacob says “your mother and I” in verse 10. This shows that Rachel was still alive when this happened even though we just read about her death in Genesis 35.

Scholars believe Genesis 37:2 is a breaking point, showing Jacob’s writing or preservations ending and Joseph’s beginning in 37:3.

The sun, the moon, and the 11 stars represents the family of Israel and is also found in Revelation 12:1. This passage points to Jesus and his lineage from the tribes of Israel.

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