Best Vanilla Fudge Recipe | (2024)

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Fudge may often be a chocolate affair, but a good vanilla variety can hold its own any day. This treat is great when studded with pecans or macadamia nuts, or extra-pretty when swirled with raspberry jam.

Best Vanilla Fudge Recipe | (1)


ready in:

2-5 hrs

3 reviews


2 cups sugar
1 can (5 ounce size) evaporated milk
1/3 cup milk
1/8 teaspoon salt
1/4 cup butter
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
broken nuts (optional)


Line an 8x4x2-inch loaf pan or 8x8 pan with foil, extending foil over edges of pan. Butter foil; set aside. Butter the sides of a heavy 2-quart saucepan.

In saucepan combine sugar, evaporated milk, milk, and salt. Cook and stir over medium-high heat to boiling. Carefully clip a candy thermometer to the side of the saucepan. Cook and stir over medium-low-heat to 238 degrees F, soft-ball stage (this should take 25 to 35 minutes). Immediately remove saucepan from heat.

Add butter and vanilla, but do not stir. Cool mixture, without stirring, to 110 degrees F, lukewarm (about 55 minutes).

Remove candy thermometer from saucepan. Beat vigorously with a wooden spoon till fudge becomes very thick and just starts to lose its gloss (about 10 minutes total). Do not over-beat. Immediately spread fudge into the prepared pan.

Score into 1-inch squares while warm. Top each square with a piece of nut, if desired. When candy is firm, use the foil to lift the fudge out of the pan. Cut into squares. Store, tightly covered, in the refrigerator.

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nutrition data

138 calories, 4 grams fat, 26 grams carbohydrates, 1 grams protein per 1 ounce piece. This recipe is low in sodium.

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reviews & comments

  1. Guest Foodie December 11, 2019

    I don’t know what I did wrong because I’ve made toffee many times but my fudge is not even thicker than pudding and won’t thicken

    • CDKitchen Staff Reply:

      Either it wasn't cooked long enough or it wasn't cooled long enough. Either can affect the outcome.

  2. pattycakes REVIEW:
    November 6, 2013

    I got this to work but it took two tries. Here's what I did that worked: First, dissolve the sugar, milks, and salt over medium heat first. Don't boil until the sugar is blended in. I had to buy a new candy thermometer after the first time I tried it because I dropped it so I don't know if may be my thermometer was off the first time or what. I did not let it cool 55 minutes. It was maybe 35 minutes, then I started stirring. The first time it was 55 minutes and like others it was a rock. But I don't know if that was the method of letting the sugar dissolve before boiling or the cooling time. Overall the fudge (finally) turned out decent but it's definitely a finicky recipe. I'm giving it 4 stars purely on taste because if it was method I was rating it would probably be a 2.

  3. Carol December 4, 2011

    I followed this recipe to the letter. I did use a candy thermometer, for the first time. It was the first time I tried to make fudge and was so disappointed because it came out like a rock. When I tried to beat as they said to,after the 55 minutes of cooling to 110 degrees, I couldn't budge anything, it was a solid mass like concrete. My husband used a chisel to break everything apart and I am soaking my pot.I don't know what to say went wrong or how to fix it, since I have never made fudge before and never used a candy thermometer before. Maybe not leaving it sit for 55 minutes would help. Not sure.I do hope someone can figure out what went wrong with this recipe.

  4. Guest Foodie REVIEW:
    August 26, 2011

    I'm learning to make fudge. Some tips that I've learned so far. 1. Test your thermometer to see if it is working properly. Also, if you live at high altitude, for every 1,000 ft subtract 2 degrees from the recipe cooking temperature to achieve soft ball stage. 2. Spray sides of pan and wooden spoon with oil. 3. Have the heat on warm to melt the sugar. Stir and stir. Rub the sugar syrup in between your fingers for smoothness. Don't bring it to a boil before all of sugar is melted.3. Periodically wash off wooden spoon before you put it back into the syrup. This will remove any dried sugar crystals from being reintroduced into the syrup.4. Once sugar is all melted, with a wet pastry brush, brush down the sides of the pan really well several times before the sugar comes to boil. Any sugar crystals remaining on side of pan can fall back into the syrup making it grainy. Maybe add 2 1/2 tablespoons of corn syrup to break down the sugar?5. Keep temp to just boiling. Can't rush fudge. I live at high altitude and it takes me 3 hours to make it. hope this helps....

  5. Brian November 3, 2010

    I have actually made this recipe several times and it works great. Setting like concrete probably means the mixture was heated to too high a temp. At the end of the 55 minutes it should still be soft ball stage.

  6. BUYINGNEWPANS August 15, 2010

    This recipe does not work followed the recipe to the letter everything was fine up until the leaving it to cool for 55 minutes before beating in the butter :O thought this was odd all I got from this recipe was a solid mass in the bottom of the pan with melted butter ontop had to throw out my pan, wooden spoon and anything else I used for this recipe as it was all set like concrete! severley wouldnt recommend this recipe! It was a costly mistake follwing this recipe!!! I think this was either wrongly typed or the poster hadn't actually tried the recipe out?? I think the mistake was in the order of the recipe and the ooling in the middle part all other recipes I have seen add all ingredients together and definately dont have a coool the heated suger and milk for an hour :D I honestly thought this would happen but trusted the poster! I think this recipe could be improved by being totally rethought and tested before posting!!

    • CDKitchen Staff Reply:

      Actually, there are lots of fudge recipes that specify you cool it to 110F before proceeding (which is what this specifies). Did you check it with a candy thermometer?

  7. littlemissxx REVIEW:
    July 20, 2007

    easy to follow recipe which made a mountain of gorgeous fudge. I split the mixture and added a few drops of strong coffee instead of vanilla. A tip i read earlier suggested cream of tartar prevents 'sugaring' will let you know as this will be a much used recipe!I found the best measurement conversion was (esp for those in UK)
    1 cup granulated sugar=200g
    1 cup confectioner/icing sugar=110g
    1 cup evap milk=half pint


Best Vanilla Fudge Recipe | (2024)


What is the secret to perfect fudge? ›

Valuable tips for successful fudge
  • Don't stir during cooking. Fudge can be cooked on the stove or in the microwave. ...
  • Avoid crystallization. During cooking, sugar crystals can stick to the sides of the pan. ...
  • Let cool before beating. After being cooked, the sugar must crystallize again to create fudge. ...
  • Beat the mixture.

What is the secret to smooth fudge that is not gritty? ›

Once a seed crystal forms, it grows bigger and bigger as the fudge cools. A lot of big crystals in fudge makes it grainy. By letting the fudge cool without stirring, you avoid creating seed crystals.

Why is my 3 ingredient fudge not setting? ›

Why won't my 3 ingredient fudge set? This often happens when the condensed milk and chocolate chip mixture isn't hot enough to start. Everything must be completely melted before it is transferred to the pan to cool.

What does cream of tartar do in fudge? ›

Cream of tartar is used in caramel sauces and fudge to help prevent the sugar from crystallizing while cooking. It also prevents cooling sugars from forming brittle crystals, this is why it's the secret ingredient in snickerdoodles!

Should you stir fudge while it's cooking? ›

Don't stir!

Once the fudge reaches soft-ball stage on the candy thermometer, remove from the heat and let the temperature drop to 110°F. Keep that spoon or spatula out of the pot until this happens. If you stir too early in the process, you'll make the sugar crystals too big and end up with grainy fudge.

What makes fudge moist? ›

The amount of time you cook fudge directly affects its firmness. Too little time and the water won't evaporate, causing the fudge to be soft. Conversely, cook it too long and fudge won't contain enough water, making it hard with a dry, crumbly texture.

How to make fudge more solid? ›

there is too much leftover water in the syrup and the resulting fudge is soft. To save the fudge, put it in a saucepan with 15 to 30 ml (1 or 2 tbsp.) of 35% cream and bring to a boil, stirring until the sugar is completely melted. Then let it boil until the thermometer reaches 114 to 115 °C (237 to 239 °F).

Can you reboil fudge that hasn't set? ›

How can you fix soft fudge? Put it in a microwave safe bowl that is large enough that it won't boil over. Reheat it to the boiling point and cook for about 3 more minutes. Then you can beat some powdered sugar into it if this doesn't make it set.

How long to boil fudge to soft ball stage? ›

How long does it take to make fudge:
  1. about 18 min to reach boiling.
  2. about 40 minutes to reach soft ball stage.
  3. 60 minutes to cool.
  4. 28 minutes to beat in a KitchenAid (your time for this may vary)
  5. 4 hours to set.

Why do you add salt to fudge? ›

Salt: While some homemade fudge recipes do not call for salt, I find it essential for balancing out the sweetness of the condensed milk.

Why do you whip fudge? ›

Like marshmallows, the sugar in fudge is boiled down to remove the water from the heat and whipped as it cools. The whipping motion causes sugar crystals to form (this gives the confection its unique soft texture) while the air causes those crystals to remain relatively small, preventing a chunky fudge.

Can I reheat fudge that is too grainy? ›

Pour the fudge back into your pan, and add about a cup of water to it, along with a tablespoon or two of evaporated milk, whipping cream, or whatever cream you're using. Some people skip the water and just add cream to the mixture to reheat.

Why didn't my fudge set hard? ›

The main reason is that your Fudge has not reached the optimum temperature. If your mixture only reaches 110 or 112 degrees Celsius it will always be soft. That's why we recommend investing in a sugar thermometer. Another reason your Fudge is not setting is that the ratio of liquid to sugar is too high.

How long do you boil fudge to get to soft ball stage? ›

How long does it take to make fudge:
  1. about 18 min to reach boiling.
  2. about 40 minutes to reach soft ball stage.
  3. 60 minutes to cool.
  4. 28 minutes to beat in a KitchenAid (your time for this may vary)
  5. 4 hours to set.

How long should you beat fudge? ›

Allow the fudge mixture to rest until the temperature registers between 150°-160°. Once the desired temperature is reached, beat the ever-loving stuffing out of the fudge. Two to three minutes of hardcore mixing (by hand).

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Author: Annamae Dooley

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Name: Annamae Dooley

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