About E-Cloth | Learn More About E-Cloth (2024)

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About E-Cloth | Learn More About E-Cloth (7) Cloths

About E-Cloth | Learn More About E-Cloth (8) Scrubbers

About E-Cloth | Learn More About E-Cloth (9) Dusters

About E-Cloth | Learn More About E-Cloth (10) Mops

About E-Cloth | Learn More About E-Cloth (11)

About E-Cloth | Learn More About E-Cloth (12) Bundles

About E-Cloth | Learn More About E-Cloth (13) All Products

We're E-Cloth

For more than 20 years, we’ve made premium cleaning materials using superior textiles and exceptional engineering.

You want cleaning products that work. We call that Effective.

You care about quality. We call that Exceptional Engineering.

You want fewer cleaners and don’t want to pollute your family, pets, or the world. We call that Eco-Friendly.

About E-Cloth | Learn More About E-Cloth (14)

We're E-Cloth

For more than 20 years, we’ve made premium cleaning materials using superior textiles and exceptional engineering.

You want cleaning products that work. We call that Effective.

You care about quality. We call that Exceptional Engineering.

You want fewer cleaners and don’t want to pollute your family, pets, or the world. We call that Eco-Friendly.

We're E-Cloth

For more than 20 years, we’ve made premium cleaning materials using superior textiles and exceptional engineering.

You want cleaning products that work. We call that Effective.

You care about quality. We call that Exceptional Engineering.

You want fewer cleaners and don’t want to pollute your family, pets, or the world. We call that Eco-Friendly.

About E-Cloth | Learn More About E-Cloth (15)


The story of our reusable microfiber cloths started more than twenty years ago with a guy named Steve Pearson. Intrigued by the idea of cleaning with just water, Steve set out to manufacture the world’s best cleaning system.

He started humbly, in a one-room office with a cardboard box filled with 300 premium quality microfibers, determined to bring the eco-friendly cleaning concept to as many homes as possible.

The more he learned, the more his passion grew. To help him create the best cleaning cloth possible, Steve teamed up with an engineer and scientists. The results of that collaboration were E-Cloth’s General Purpose Cloth and Glass and Polishing Cloth.

Initial tests on popular household appliances like Neff, Miele, and Electrolux proved how well the cleaning cloths worked on stainless steel. A brand was born!

Although E-Cloth has added dozens of specialized products, those flagship cloths are still purchased by millions of customers each year, revered for their unsurpassed ability to clean without additional cleaners.

Through the years, E-Cloth has remained committed to the ideal of producing reusable cleaning cloths that clean better than anything else.

We continually adapt and improve our engineering and have added new task-specific products to tackle unique surfaces (like your cell phone), always maintaining our high-quality standards.

Today, you can clean your floors, dishes, windows, stainless steel appliances, and even your car sustainably and without additional cleaners when you use E-Cloth products.

What started as one man’s vision – cleaning with just water – has become a lifestyle choice for many around the globe. As more people have become intentional about embracing sustainability, E-Cloth is proud to be the partner that helps keep your home, gadgets, and car clean, without additional cleaners and unnecessary waste. If you’re new around here, welcome to the E-Cloth family!

Read more about E-Cloth

How E-Cloth is Made

Find out why E-Cloth is different from other microfiber.

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About E-Cloth | Learn More About E-Cloth (16)

Benefits of E-Cloth

Read about the benefits of cleaning with E-Cloth and water.

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About E-Cloth | Learn More About E-Cloth (17)

The Scientific Proof

Backed by lab tests and clean homes. Here's the proof.

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About E-Cloth | Learn More About E-Cloth (18)

About E-Cloth | Learn More About E-Cloth (19)


The story of our reusable, microfiber cloths started more than twenty years ago with a guy named Steve Pearson. Intrigued by the idea of cleaning with just water, Steve set out to manufacture the world’s best cleaning system.

He started humbly, in a one-room office with a cardboard box filled with 300 premium quality microfibers, determined to bring the eco-friendly cleaning concept to as many homes as possible.

The more he learned, the more his passion grew. To help him create the best cleaning cloth possible, Steve teamed up with an engineer and scientists. The results of that collaboration were E-Cloth’s General Purpose Cloth and Glass and Polishing Cloth.

Initial tests on popular household appliances like Neff, Miele, and Electrolux proved how well the cleaning cloths worked on stainless steel. A brand was born!

Although E-Cloth has added dozens of specialized products, those flagship cloths are still purchased by millions of customers each year, revered for their unsurpassed ability to clean without additional cleaners.

Through the years, E-Cloth has remained committed to the ideal of producing reusable, cleaning cloths that clean better than anything else.

We continually adapt and improve our engineering and have added new task-specific products to tackle unique surfaces (like your cell phone), always maintaining our high-quality standards.

Today, you can clean your floors, dishes, windows, stainless steel appliances, and even your car sustainably and without additional cleaners when you use E-Cloth products.

What started as one man’s vision – cleaning with just water – has become a lifestyle choice for many around the globe. As more people have become intentional about embracing sustainability, E-Cloth is proud to be the partner that helps keep your home, gadgets, and car clean, without additional chemicals and unnecessary waste. If you’re new around here, welcome to the E-Cloth family!

Read more about E-Cloth

Read more about E-Cloth

Learn About E-Cloth

How E-Cloth got started and why we're sticking around

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About E-Cloth | Learn More About E-Cloth (20)

Benefits of E-Cloth

Read about the benefits of chemical-free cleaning.

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About E-Cloth | Learn More About E-Cloth (21)

How E-Cloth is Made

Our manufacturing process delivers a perfect clean

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About E-Cloth | Learn More About E-Cloth (22)

How E-Cloth Is Made

Find out why E-Cloth is different from other microfiber.

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About E-Cloth | Learn More About E-Cloth (23)

Benefits of E-Cloth

Read about the benefits of cleaning with E-Cloth and water.

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About E-Cloth | Learn More About E-Cloth (24)

The Scientific Proof

Backed by lab tests and clean homes. Here’s the proof.

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About E-Cloth | Learn More About E-Cloth (25)

About E-Cloth | Learn More About E-Cloth (26)

About E-Cloth | Learn More About E-Cloth (27)


The story of our reusable, microfiber cloths started more than twenty years ago with a guy named Steve Pearson. Intrigued by the idea of cleaning with just water, Steve set out to manufacture the world’s best cleaning system.

He started humbly, in a one-room office with a cardboard box filled with 300 premium quality microfibers, determined to bring the eco-friendly cleaning concept to as many homes as possible.

The more he learned, the more his passion grew. To help him create the best cleaning cloth possible, Steve teamed up with an engineer and scientists. The results of that collaboration were E-Cloth’s General Purpose Cloth and Glass and Polishing Cloth.

Initial tests on popular household appliances like Neff, Miele, and Electrolux proved how well the cleaning cloths worked on stainless steel. A brand was born!

Although E-Cloth has added dozens of specialized products, those flagship cloths are still purchased by millions of customers each year, revered for their unsurpassed ability to clean.

Through the years, E-Cloth has remained committed to the ideal of producing reusable, cleaning cloths that clean brilliantly.

We continually adapt and improve our engineering and have added new task-specific products to tackle unique surfaces (like your cell phone), always maintaining our high-quality standards.

Today, you can clean your floors, dishes, windows, stainless steel appliances, and even your car sustainably and without additional cleaners when you use E-Cloth products.

What started as one man’s vision – cleaning with just water – has become a lifestyle choice for many around the globe. As more people have become intentional about embracing sustainability, E-Cloth is proud to be the partner that helps keep your home, gadgets, and car clean without additional cleaners or unnecessary waste. If you’re new around here, welcome to the E-Cloth family!

Read more about E-Cloth

How It's Made

Find out why E-Cloth is different from other microfiber.

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About E-Cloth | Learn More About E-Cloth (28)

Why You Should Use It

Read about the benefits of cleaning with E-Cloth and water.

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About E-Cloth | Learn More About E-Cloth (29)

The Scientific Proof

Backed by lab tests and clean homes. Here’s the proof.

Read more

About E-Cloth | Learn More About E-Cloth (30)

About E-Cloth | Learn More About E-Cloth (31)


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About E-Cloth | Learn More About E-Cloth (2024)
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Author: Kerri Lueilwitz

Last Updated:

Views: 5926

Rating: 4.7 / 5 (47 voted)

Reviews: 86% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Kerri Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1992-10-31

Address: Suite 878 3699 Chantelle Roads, Colebury, NC 68599

Phone: +6111989609516

Job: Chief Farming Manager

Hobby: Mycology, Stone skipping, Dowsing, Whittling, Taxidermy, Sand art, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Kerri Lueilwitz, I am a courageous, gentle, quaint, thankful, outstanding, brave, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.